Top 3 9th Edition 40k Army Lists From The Weekend

space marine wal hor tourneyMore 40k army lists are here from the first 9th Edition 40k tournaments that are happening, check out the top lists as the meta starts to develop again!

As more and more tournaments are beginning to spark back up and it’s time we look at one that was concluded over the weekend. Here are the details.

Coming from Vanguard Tactics, a thirty-person event was held over the weekend. We’ve looked through the details and nothing specifically points out that this was an ITC tournament. However, looking at the overall score, it’s more fitting to believe that they used all the objectives from the Grand Tournament book.

Top 3 9th Edition 40k Army Lists From Weekend Tournaments

vanguard tactics wal


vanguard tactics resultsFinal scoring looks way too high to be ITC

Another thing to note is that although this was a 2,000 pt tournament, only Combat Patrols were allowed (which is why you’ll see a Patrol Detachment in every list).

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Adam Shepherd-Jones- Custodes

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vanguard tactics custodes 1


vanguard tactics custodes 2Starting with the Custodes in third place, a Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike and a Shield-Captain on foot (who was the Warlord) led a single small Troops squad of spear Custodians. Taking the rest of the points and dumping them into a bunch of different faction workhorses, some Allarus Termies walked up the board. Supported by a Contemptor Achillus Dreadnought, these guys had a ton of melee damage output.

For one of the most unique unit options we’ve seen in a Custodes list, some Forge Wold Venatari also hit the board all armed with spears. These guys were straight up anti-Primaris getting two shots at S6 -2AP 2 damage a pop. Plus, if they got caught in melee they could slap just as hard.

To finish everything off, some Vertus Praetors added a contingent of speed to the list and a Telemon acted like a walking gun platform that could also pop open a tank like a sardine can with his Caestus fist. A Vindicare was also thrown in to force the opponent’s characters to keep their heads down. Awesome list.

2nd Place: Alex Petford- Nurgle

death guard wal


vanguard tactics death guard 1For Nurgle, points were thrown into a bunch of Nurglings because why not? They’re a crazy durable objective grabber that can start the game mid-board. These Nurglings were led by a Daemon Prince with Wings and a Foul Blightspawn which are both DG staples as well.

vanguard tactics death guard 2Moving into a Spearhead, a Biologous Putrifier hung out with a big squad of Plague Marines to plague grenade bomb a unit off of the board. They were loaded into a Siege Drill to pop up onto the board practically anywhere. Three Plagueburst Crawlers also rocked onto the table offering some fantastic backfield firepower on a T8 body.

Finishing things off and focusing on board control, another Patrol full of Nurglings was taken. Sweet force!

1st Place: Alex Harrison- Space Marines



vanguard tactics space marines 1


vanguard tactics space marines 2For first place, we had a Salamanders successor list rock the competition. Bringing a Biker Smash Captain he was able to keep up with the Outrider Bikers. It’s also worth noting that two massive blobs of Aggressors (one flamer and one bolt storm) also marched up the board. Being a Salamanders successor, everyone and their mom probably steered totally clear of the flamer Aggressors. For some quick objective grabbing, a Land Speeder Tempest hit the board too. Focusing in on the anti-armor aspect of the list, a whopping three Eradicator squads, a Grav Cannon Devastator Squad, and a Scorpius Whirlwind chased down anything with a decent save in the game.

Whew, three Salamander Eradicator squads. That’s a whopping 18 focus-fired melta shots alone…RIP Knight players.

There you have it! We’ll admit, this was an odd tournament as it was technically a 2,000 pt Combat Patrol that also used new 9th Edition GW scoring. But all things considered, we can still get a decent idea of where the meta will be going as more tournaments unfold.


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