Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists Sept 19-20th

Dark-eldar-hor-walMore surprise homebrew 40k army lists went against the grain of the meta this last weekend and didn’t do too bad at all!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was really expecting. Check out these awesome homebrew lists that emerged in different tournaments over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and this just goes to show that it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top 3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists From This Weekend’s Tourneys

best coast pairings Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Grimdark Invitational: Fredrik Adersson- Khorne



homebrews khorneKhorne hit the field in full force here. Fredrik ran three Bloodthirsters and spent 1CP to give a unit of 30 Bloodletters a Banner of Blood to make sure they made their points back. It’s not always easy getting the full benefit of thirty melee bois but rolling 3D6 for the charge definitely helps. Beyond that, five more minimum squads of Bloodletters hit the field mainly to hold objectives and cause a little disruption. Even though they’re super squishy it also would’ve been a big mistake to let yourself get charged by a unit of these guys.

Moving on, some Bloodcrushers were also taken for a Toughness spike in the army while keeping things mobile for objectives that might’ve been out of the Bloodletter’s reach. Lastly, a couple of Skull Cannons were also brought just to add a little bit of shooting to th elist while they held down objectives most likely in their deployment. The major threats were obviously the Bloodthirsters/Bloodletter blob that created a ton of pressure early on.

Miami Dice: Ruben Fernandez- Dark Eldar

archon dark eldar wal hor


homebrews dark eldar1This list is one that harkens back to 8th Edition’s Dark Eldar meta. Although it’s more unique to see a list like this running around in 9th these days.

homebrews dark eldar 2Essentially, the Incubi and Kabalite Warriors were loaded into some Venoms to add a bunch of speed to the list. This made these OBSEC units extremely reactive and could cause a big distraction for the major threat in the list…  The slower Grotesques. Some huge Grotesque blobs were led by Urien Rakarth, giving them +1 Strength and Toughness.


That forced the enemy to deal with 72 total wounds at T6 while the little fast dudes in Venoms were capping objectives left and right. not too bad!

Maelstrom Hobbies: Ultramarines-Victor Torres

happy guilliman


homebrews ultramarine 1


homebrews ultramarine 2Guilliman hit the field giving his aura bonuses to some interesting units. A Battalion of Intercessors and a single Tac Squad were also led by Sergeant Chronus (which vehicle would you put him in?) as well as a Librarian and Chaplain. For a little Objective reach,  a Bike Squad was brought and tried to avoid taking too much fire while pushing up to objectives in the mid-field.

Finally, a gunline was formed with a Relic Whirlwind, two Predators, and a Storm Cannon Leviathan with Guilliman probably sitting close for all the rerolls. RIP Auras lol.

Basically, it seemed like the Intercessors and Bikes were charged with keeping warm bodies on key points while Guilliman directed a stupid amount of firepower in the direction of the threats. Pretty straight forward list but definitely unique!

What do you think about these lists? Do you play something similar? 

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