Top 3 Infantry Units In The New Space Marines Codex

new-rules-space-marines-40k-9th-editionThe new Space Marines Codex is here for 9th Edition 40k- here are our picks for the top 3 new Infantry units and why they are so good!

First, it was Indomitus, and then came the tanks and speeders.  There are a ton of new units for the Space Marines, and we’re going to take a closer look at our picks for the top 3 infantry units in the codex.

TL;DR If you want to check out the rest of the Codex rules in full we got you covered below:

Eradicators (duh)

Eradicators Squad


Eradicator Data sheetEradicators are insane! At only 40ish pts a piece they are devilishly cheap for what you get. Total Obliteration allows you two shoot twice if you don’t advance and shoot at the same unit. You can take 6 models in a unit with two heavy meltas, but it’s probably better to take min squads. Another important note is that they are Core!

This means they still are affected by all of the buffs from captains and stratagems that only can be used on the core.

steady advanceBecause they are infantry you can use steady advance, letting the heavy melta still shoot if you move. At 2CP it may be expensive, however, it’s important to keep in mind. Also, note that this stratagem can be used on each of the three units we talk about here today.

unyielding in the face of the foeUnyielding in the Face of the Foe is also an important tool to keep in mind. There’s plenty of 1 Damage attacks in the game, this lets you add 1 to the armor save when they are hit by one. It’s very important, especially when considering how much damage output you might lose just by one of these models killed.  And, bonus round, this strat can also be used on the Heavy Intercessor below.

Heavy Intercessor (sneaky zebras)

Heavy Intecessor datasheetT5 troops with 3 wounds and both Gravis and Primaris keywords, meaning that you get access to tons of stratagem support, just like the Eradicators above.  Each model is only 28ish pts and you get plenty of weapon options. The toolbox nature of the unit and them being overall just solid makes it worth it, without even considering combos.  The Executor Heavy Bolter is pretty solid too, as Turn 1 with the Executor, you can activate the devastator doctrine for 10 S5 shots at -3AP 2 damage at 42-inch range. 

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They also have the Core keyword meaning they get all those sweet sweet buffs.

Transhuman physiologyBeing Primaris allows them to use the Transhuman Physiology Strat. If it’s a min squad (which it should be most of the time) this will only ever cost 1 CP! If an enemy is rolling to wound, the attack fails no matter what if they don’t get an unmodified 4+. This stratagem is insane for both Heavy Intercessors and Eradicators.

Terminators- old models who dis?

terminator squad data sheetThe Teleport Homer rule is insane, being able to redeploy a unit can have some extreme strategic advantage. Getting a third wound over previous editions and Fury of the First make the new assault Termies a very good option.

fury of the firstThey also have Teleport Strike which offers some serious synergy and power with the Chaplain charge aura if the enemy is in your rear threatening your objectives. Deathwatch players will recognize this mechanic from last edition when we saw all those lists taking one termie to teleport a vets squad back to home base if needed.


On the weapon side, the toolbox of options is still nice. Power fists have flat damage 2 and Lightning Claws are +1 attack per claw and get to re-roll wound rolls.

Blood Angels Assault Terminator squads with Lightning Claws make 5 attacks at +2 to hit rolls with Fury of the First and +3 to hit rolls with the Blood Angels trait and rerolling wounds (at a +1 even).

Assuming you are already playing Blood Angels this seems like it could be a pretty good option considering the low entry cost of just a chaplain for charging buffs and lighting claws on an otherwise stock squad with a 1 CP strat…

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What do you think about these new Units? Are these balanced or busted? Which unit has you most excited?

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