What To Buy Next For Space Marines After Indomitus

primaris book cover hor space marine walSo you’ve got your hands on Indomitus, but what should you buy next for your growing Space Marines collection now? Here are some solid options.

Indomitus has all-new units and Primaris models for Space Marines. You might have gotten your hands on a box or two and are wondering where to take your collection next. Well, looking at the contents inside Indomitus, here are some kits and other boxes you can’t go wrong with.

Indomitus box

Amazon currently has a supply marked for a delivery date from August 4-6

What To Buy Next For Space Marines After Indomitus

Start Collecting Vanguard Marines (NEW)

Vangaurd smThe reason why this is a solid buy is because of tall the Infiltration you get. For starters, your Outrider Bikers move between 14-20″ meaning that they’ll easily be out of any Primaris Character rerolls in a flash. One great option is to use the Primaris Lieutenant out of here and have him infiltrate up the board.

By the end of your first movement phase, he could easily be giving rerolls to your bikers mid-board. On top of that, if you need to create space for your Eradicators/ Bladeguards/ Assault Intercessors to get up the board, the Infiltrators are great. They can act as a speed bump for your force or start the game on an objective, scoring you points almost immediately.

Primaris Repulsor

The regular Repulsor is going to be another hot option to choose. Its transport rule lets you carry up to 10 normal Primaris dudes, or up to five Gravis armored dudes. That means you can pack all of your Assault Intercessors inside to help protect them until you get close to the enemy. For Eradicators, you can load them and a Gravis Captain inside and fly up the board to get in range with those nasty melta guns.

Primaris Impulsor

primaris impulsorThe Impulsor is going to be a great option if you’re going to double-down on some Bladeguard Veterans. You can slap a Shield Dome on the transport to give it a 4++ invuln, load it with two squads of Bladeguards, smack it on the rear, and send it right up the board. While you can’t assault out of it after you move and disembark, it’s probably best just to move it and have it sit for a turn. At the beginning of your next Movement Phase have the guys pile out and go to work.


Primaris Hellblasters01Space Marines have always been a popular faction to come across on the tabletop. With Indomitus bringing all new goods, it’s safe to bet that we’ll be seeing more in the near future. With that said, Hellblasters are a great anti-Marine option. Being S8 -4AP and 2dmg, you can melt your opponent’s Primaris units that try to hold objectives. Plus, with units like the Adeptus Mechanicus Pteraxii getting two wounds now, any high AP, 2dmg firepower should be welcome in any list.


Space Marine AggressorsIf you need some objective bullies, Aggressors are a fantastic option. They’re T5 with three wounds each so they won’t just roll over for small-arms fire. Plus, they come with an innate ability to shoot twice if they didn’t move in the Movement Phase (you can also shoot twice in Overwatch). You can give these guys 18″ range boltstorm gauntlets or some S4 auto-hitting flamers. Both are solid wargear options depending on the list you’re running.

If you want to get the most out of these guys, have them sit on an objective and hug some terrain. If the enemy comes within challenging distance, they’ll surely regret it.

While Space Marines can be taken in just about any direction these days, these are just a few of our options for players wanting to keep an all-Primaris theme in their army. Hopefully, these suggestions have been helpful!


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