Best Hobby Dollar You’ll Ever Spend? – Hobby How To


Find out how to wreck the all painting walls that stand between you and a fully painted army, all for a buck!

As some dedicated readers ( stalkers) may know, I work both as a game store manager and as a miniature painter.

The question I get asked the most is how do I finish painting my armies.  And for real, I’d love to have some magic formula that does all the work, but it doesn’t exist.

However, I’ve come up with a gazillion ways and answers to this question that seems to baffle so many of us.

My thought is that finishing up armies is not really about which techniques you use, but how you approach painting.


Regardless if you want a basic army with drybrush and quickshade like the stormcast eternals pictured above or a high end paint job that will net you in the top 5 ranking of tournaments like the Grey Knights below, the approach remains the same.


“Oh that’s not how I do it.” That’s the answer or excuse I hear most of the time.  and usually from people that to this day still haave an uncompleted army.  Clearly, if how you do it is working, by all means keep doing it.  But if you struggle, try following these down insead of your usual ways and get amazed at the results.

As a result I’ve come up with this guide the much like Miley, will wreck these painting walls that stand between you and a fully painted army.  

You can get it for a dollar on amazon kindle by clicking below!

Best Hobby Dollar You’ll Ever Spend?


About the Author: Hellfire Hobbies

Max Dubois is a hobby enthusiast from Quebec. Max produces a lot of hobby ressources that you can find on his own blog as well as well as on Spikey Bits.

He is always ready to talk shop with other enthusiasts, whether it’s about, painting, playing or drinking, no matter your skill level in either those activities.

You can also find some of his work on amazon kindle, where he sells hobby e-books for a dollar!