The New TOP 5: Star Wars X-Wing Lists For Regionals

By Barclay Montgomery | May 18th, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics

Inquisitor TIE Advanced Prototype

Fly to victory with these new top 5 lists! We have the Top lists that are tearing it up in the competitive X-Wing scene for regionals this year!

Whether you are getting ready for Regionals or a local tournament, it’s good to know what top lists are out there and what plan you have to take them out! Study up young Padawans!


Number 1

Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Fire‑Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device + Agent Kallus
Captain Yorr + Emperor Palpatine
Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay

Imperials are here to stay at the top tier of competitive play. Whisper is one of the nastiest ships out there, and she has all the help she can get from the Emperor. Omega Leader is always a pain and seems to be a distraction, seeing as that a 2 dice attack doesn’t seem too bad, until he gets a range 1 shot that you cannot modify against!

Inquisitor TIE Advanced Prototype

Number 2

The Inquisitor + Push The Limit + Autothrusters + TIE/v1
Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine
Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay

A new level of pain for the Imperials, this list focuses on having multiple threats to divide up the enemy and strike them down. The Inquisitor and Omega Leader can go tag team on an enemy ship, only to have Wampa deal the death blow with his ability to deal a facedown damage card. The Emperor is ever-present in any respectable Imperial list these days.


Number 3

Carnor Jax + Push The Limit + Autothrusters
Omicron Group Pilot + Emperor Palpatine
Omega Leader + Juke + Comm Relay

Like the previous list, these aces are all about divide and conquer. Carnor Jax is a meta breaker with his ability to shut down focus and evade tokens at range 1. This is the bane of the Jumpmasters and other Imperial aces that love their tokens.


Number 4

Contracted Scout + Deadeye + R4 Agromech + Extra Munitions + Plasma Torpedoes + Guidance Chips x3

You know them. You hate them. The only Scum list to make the current top rankings is triple Jumpmaster, but would you expect any less? These large based ships have super Sayain levels of action economy and enough hull to take the hits and keep on rolling. After munitions are spent, large turrets are the way to go to chisel your opponent down after taking Plasma Torpedoes to the face.


Number 5

Rear Admiral Chiraneau + Engine Upgrade + Rebel Captive + Emperor Palpatine + Adaptability
Whisper + Veteran Instincts + Fire‑Control System + Advanced Cloaking Device

Bringing up the rear is Rear Admiral Chireneau with the Emperor in tow. The Decimatior is a big ship to take down, and it doesn’t help that Whisper is flying around and zapping ships with 5 dice attacks at range 1. Rebel Captive adds and element of control as the first ship that tries to shoot the Decimator will receive a stress token. This removes unpredictability and allows Whisper to line up those perfect shots.

That’s it folks! The top list in X-Wing right now! If you are getting ready for Regionals be sure you have a plan to take out the top lists, because you will definitely see them in force!

Have fun out there and may the Force be with you!