BREAKING – New Chaos Terrain Spotted in WD 127

By Rob Baer | June 28th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the Age of Sigmar version of the tower of Khorne. This piece of terrain can literally spit hot fire on all that oppose the will of the Everchosen!

Right on que for a week that contains a ton of new “flammable” models comes something that may give Sylvaneth players pause.

Source: Imgur

Dreadhold Crucible $100

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Pretty neat looking piece of terrain that can dock with the existing Dreadhold line as well for an added bonus. $100 retail is right on par with the other components as well.

No word if this will be direct only yet, or if you can expect to see it in stores next weekend along with the new Sylvaneth releases as well.


So how does that figure into the rumored release schedule? Let’s take a look!

Here’s the new revised Roadmap list of new releases that are on the rumor radar now with items bolded that are confirmed:


Age of Sigmar

Wow GW really continues to show what separates them from the rest of the model makers out there with this reimagined dreadhold terrain piece and the incredible new Slyvaneth models.

GW’s Summer Release Roadmap