Scum’s New MVP? X-Wing Wave 9 Guri Build

By Barclay Montgomery | September 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0


The Starviper gets some love in this Star Wars X-Wing build rundown. Come and see what can make the Starviper really shine! Gotta love me some Guri action.



Guri is the epitome of a Starviper pilot and her Pilot Ability is amazing. Assigning a focus token while at Range 1 of an enemy, its the best way to get focus tokens. Performing free actions can get you in trouble if you bump or fly through a Conner Net, but assigning tokens supercedes that. To make her ability even better, you can add the new Fearlessness EPT to her.


If you are inside the defender’s firing arc whilst attacking, you may add 1 hit result to your roll! This could give Guri the potential to deal 5 damage in one atttack at Range 1! Even better is that she gets a free focus token while you are attacking. Seems pretty legit, but we are all in on offense right now. Let’s boost her defense. Add the Virago title to unlock the Starviper’s true potential. This will give her an Illicit slot and a Systems upgrade.


Cloaking Device is an awesome upgrade, but it can be unreliable if used to often. Use it only in the event that you get outmaneuvered and you are expecting a big attack from the enemy. A new Systems upgrade that can make Guri even more tricky is Collision Detector


This upgrade allows you to boost, barrel roll, and even decloak through obstacles with no worries. You also ignore having to roll crits for damage for flying through an obstacle. Whenever you need to decloak out of a tight spot,but get blocked by an asteroid, remember to activate your Collision Detector to help you survive!

That’s it for Scum tactics and builds. Do you like the new upgrades that are coming out? How would you build Guri using the latest upgrades?

“Beauty is only skin deep”