It’s no secret that PETA has contacted Games Workshop asking to have plastic molded fur removed from their models. Well, GW finally gave a public response.
In case you missed it here’s the original message sent to Games Workshop from PETA.
Games Workshop remained quiet about this for a little bit now, not making a statement or giving a response. Until now! They put out this response in a Regimental Standard update. A little passive aggressive much?
An early draft of this week’s informational was circulated among the officers. As is encouraged**, one of them raised a good question. Captain*** Dzyban wondered if perhaps we were being too stringent. Couldn’t we allow troopers to remove pelts from dead enemy warriors? These hides had already been taken and defiled, what further harm could we cause?
We assure you that, despite what may look like clear evidence to the contrary, further harm can be done by draping yourself in such skins. Others may even mistake your decision as disregarding the uniform policy, seeing it as some sort of fashion choice rather than a simple need for survival****. To make certain this rule is followed, you are to strip dead enemies of any pelts and put them to the flame.
In summary, violence is necessary in war, but better to die of the cold than soil your soul by embracing the corrupt or the alien.
Let’s be honest, our plastic soldiers need to stay warm too! PETA was also kind enough to send Spikey Bits a letter concerning the matter.
Our very own Rob Baer was kind enough to send a reply to Ms. Jordan. Not so passive aggressive…
He didn’t lie, within hours of this reply, Spikey Bits went live with How To Speed Sculpt Fur Cloaks W/ Green Stuff.
This is our hobby safe space, and I think we’ve all made a stand letting PETA know that the year 40,000 can’t and won’t be bullied.
We applaud you Games Workshop, thanks for joining the stand against PETA and their plastic fur argument.
Check out our satire post here
Editor’s Note: I am a very well known animal lover, however we have taken a hard line on rhetorical ambitions of organizations with an agenda invading our hobby space just for publicity’s sake.
Remember, if you stand for nothing… you’ll fall for anything.