Yellow Villains on the Hunt! – Star Wars Destiny Teasers

By Barclay Montgomery | April 7th, 2017 | Categories: Star Wars Destiny, Star Wars Tactics

xwing scum

Keep an eye out for bounty hunters and scummy dealers, but also make sure to take a look at what new Yellow Villains are coming to Star Wars Destiny.

The most notorious and deadly assassin droid makes his way into Star Wars Destiny! IG-88 is a beast that will take down any foe that gets in his way. 2 ranged damage, 3 ranged damage, and 2 shield sides on his die make him tough as nails but also deadly with his blasters. His special ability will be super amazing to see in action. It allows IG-88 to play a Yellow weapon or equipment from your discard pile on him and decrease its resource cost by 2. This is a crazy ability that will make IG-88 even tougher to take out, and makes him all the more menacing.

With IG-88’s ability, he could equip the latest in protection tech: Personal Shield. He could grab a Personal Shield for free and start adding more shields to his already sturdy health of 12. Personal Shield is also cool in that it has a passive effect that allows you to gain 1 shield before you are dealt 2 or more ranged damage. You have to exhaust this card to get the effect, but that’s so pretty nifty damage mitigation!

Junker Unkar Plutt makes his debut as an excellent support character for the Villains. Focus, 1 and 2 disrupt, and resources adorn this guy’s die. His ability is an action: remove any number of dice showing a value of 3 or more, then discard a random card from an opponent’s hand and gain resources equal to its cost. This can be a huge money maker for you! Discard a Crime Lord and you have 4 resources for 1 action. Boom!

Bala-Tik finally gets his goons to join him in Destiny. Guavian Enforcer is a 8 health 8 point character that is all about guns and money. 1 ranged, 2 ranged, 1+ ranged and resource generating sides of this die make it an excellent boost to any range themed Villain deck. He comes with an added bonus action to removed his die to remove 1 shield from a character. It’s a good way to get rid of a blank that is serving no purpose to get rid of 1 shield. Not bad.

A superb upgrade for Unkar Plutt would be Blackmail. This legendary card has an amazing die: 2 discard, 3 discard, 2 disrupt, 3 disrupt, and 3 shields make this card extremely powerful. It even has a built inability that can make you money. After you roll its die, your opponent may give you 1 resource to remove it. Just rolling it into your pool could be enough to make your opponent instantly pay you 1 resource to remove it, but if you have been disrupting and removing their resources already, they may not even have 1 resource to pay you off!

The last of the Yellow upgrades in this article, Vibroknucklers. This cool new melee upgrade has tons of damage output. Two sides with 1 melee, a 2 melee side, and 1 and 2 discard makes this an aggressive weapon. It also has ambush and an ability that allows you to spend 1 resource to increase its  die value by 1. It still remains to be seen if you only have to spend 1 resource, or as many as you wish, but this upgrade is bangin’!

Yellow Events are full of surprises and tricks, and the Villains have no shortage of them! Bait and Switch has Ambush and allows you to fool your opponent by switching a die showing resource to any side, and potentially resolve it then and there with your Ambush! Sneaky sneaky.

Arms Deal is a quick way to gain resources if you have a surplus of weapon upgrades in hand. This could be a nice way to generate IG-88’s ability and gain you resources in the mean time. Also a great card to help you with that oh so important resource economy. 

Another cool Event card pays homage to Jabba himself. Friends in High Places allows you to look at the top 3 cards of your deck and play one of them for free. Holy heavy blaster, Han! This card could get you a free Crime Lord, or get you nothing of value. Such is the way of dealing with slimy gangsters. The only stipulation to this card is that to play it you must have a combined value of 7 or more showing on your dice pool, so this appears to be a late game boost to help you out.

That’s it for the latest Intel on Yellow Villains for Star Wars Destiny! Did you get a chance to see the Yellow Hero cards rundown? If not, go and check it out!

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About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.