The Legio Custodes Gyrfalcon Jetbike was just announced in January, and will be on the way soon! Come take a look and the new fast-moving unit!
The new fast-moving Gyrfalcon Jetbike was just announced, let’s see what Warhammer Community had to say about it.
From Our Open Day Coverage Jan 1st 2017
These are the fast-moving and hard hitting cavalry of the elite Legio Custodes. Like their Space Marine equivalents, they are fast and mount some fearsome ranged punch – in this case, with Iliastus pattern bolt cannons. Like all Legio Custodes, though, these guys are also very capable in close combat, and units of these bikes can ride down all but the toughest infantry, routing enemy formations and causing no end of problems for your foe.
We can see the Gyrfalcon Jetbike follows many of the design of other Legio Custodes tanks, most obviously their skimmer tanks and transports, and will look right at home in a Talons of the Emperor army leading the charge against the traitors.
With the close up look it’s really easy to see that this model is carrying the great detail we’ve come to know from Forge World. This fast-moving cavalry unit is sure to kick up pretty much any Legio Custodes army out there. Why stand around and wait when you can charge in and bring the fight to your enemies doorstep?
There isn’t a release date yet, just that it will be released soon, so be sure to check back in with us for the latest updates.