The Galactic Emperor will bring peace to the Star Wars Destiny world with superior power and force! Will the Emperor be the next biggest threat to face?
The Emperor is the most powerful character in the latest expansion of Spirit of Rebellion. His character die deals 2 damage to an opponent’s characters each time they are resolved, in addition to the possible damage that his die can produce ensures that his power is overwhelming! But since his character dice are so powerful they will surely be targeted for dice removal above all others. To help the Emperor dodge those removals, he needs to go fast with Force Speed.
This crazy upgrade can give you 2 additional actions a turn if you roll the special. This can be a great way to roll his dice, hope for the Force Speed special, and then resolve his character dice instantly. If you don’t roll the special, you can use the focus or shield to help protect the Emperor further. The fact that this upgrade is 0 resources too is also great.
Once you get him up to super speed, fry your enemies with the Emperor’s signature special move: Force Lightning. This die has massive damage potential with 2 ranged, 3 ranged for a resource, and 4 damage for a resource. The special is also damage dealing with an ability that deals 1 damage to a character and then remove a die showing a blank (opponent’s or yours). Then you may reroll this die into your pool, and deal even more damage. Infinite chains of damage!
Will Palpatine be the next strongest character to beat in Destiny? I hope I get one in a booster pack!