Secrets To Priming With Your Airbrush

kenny airbrush

Checkout these few simple tricks to make using airbrushed primer easier and quicker than you ever thought possible! Turns out airbrushing makes everything easier!

Welcome back Hobby maniacs! Today Kenny from Next Level Painting is here to show us how to use Airbrush Primer for some ultra smooth coats!

For this tutorial Kenny is using Vallejo Ghost Grey primer.

Airbrush Primer

Whenever you’re airbrushing you want to have these two life saving products with you at all times!  Airbrush flow improver for when you’re throwing your paints, and airbrush thinner for applying primer!  Using the thinner Kenny applies multiple thin coats to his models.  The first coat is used to cover the bulk of the model, and the second slightly thinner coat is used to reach those tough to get areas without causing build up on the surrounding surfaces.

Retarder and Thinner

Once you’ve finished priming your models, always make sure to thoroughly clean your airbrush.  Especially after using primer!  Kenny likes to soak his airbrush in some Simple Green concentrate before scrubbing out all the leftover primer!
Simple Green

Check out the whole video in the link below!