BREAKING: Chapter Approved Points Costs Spotted

By Rob Baer | November 24th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

hor of space marine and chaos

Warhammer 40k has changed forever! Get in here and see the big winners and losers from the 8th Edition point changes in Chapter Approved 2017.

WOW this new book will throw 40k on it’s side! Checkout the big changes to a ton of units that were just spotted from Chapter Approved 2017.

Also be sure to note the rise in points of what appears to “Apocalypse” level models.

Here’s our top picks for the new points change that you should be aware of.

  • Fire Raptor down 60
  • Razorbacks went up 10
  • Death Guard in general are better pointed
  • Leviathan Butcher Cannon went down 20 each
  • Celestine is now 200, and here twins are 25 each making it the same for all 3
  • Guilliman went up 25
  • Decimators with Soulburners are same points
  • Genestealer cult wargear all went down
  • Aetaos’rau’keres went up to 1500 points, a change of 800!
  • Titans are almost unplayable in 2000 point games.
  • Xiphon went up 30 points

Images courtesy of FTGT’s Instagram

Checkout the rest of the points changed pages, all color corrected and cropped over on Spikey Bits hobbies.

Checkout the rest of the points changed pages, all color corrected and cropped over on Spikey Bits hobbies.

Checkout the rest of the points changed pages, all color corrected and cropped over on Spikey Bits hobbies.

60040199091_ENGChapterApprovedCodex01How do these compare to the Faeit rumors from last week? Compare and contrast their sources are claimed to have inside information on the upcoming Chapter Approved book from Forge World.

These were a rumor so make sure you add a plenty of salt, and by salt we mean is it:

via sources on Faeit
2017 Chapter Approved is coming is Soon-Dec

  • Rules for Open Play- apoc
  • Narrative Play- planetstrike, stronghold assault
  • Matched Play- eternal war, maelstrom of war, and objective markers for each faction
  • Faction Rules for Adepta Sororitas, Deathwatch, Drukhari, Genestealer Cults, Harlquins, Imperial Knights, Necrons, Orks, Space Wolves, Tau Empire, and Thousand Sons
  • Scenery Rules, Point Cost changes
Adepta Sororitas
1GP Martydom-use when a character dies and on a 2+ can perform an Act of Faith

1GP Purity of Faith- use when an enemy uses psychic powers within 24″ on a 4+ negate it.

Warlord Trait
re-roll failed morale tests if within 6″ of Warlord

Blade to replace power sword. Melee S +2 AP-3 D3

Space Wolves
1 GP shooting phase choose 1 unit within 1″ of the enemy and use bolt weapons as if they are pistol 2 type.
1 GP set up a unit on the hunt- deploys at the end of any movement phase within 6″ of any board edge and more than 9″ away from enemy models.

Warlord Trait
Warlord can fight first even if he did not charge

Sword- melee S+1, AP-4, D1 can re-roll all failed to wound rolls.

Updated Point Values
Space Marines pts per model
Aggressor 21
Chaplain in Terminator Armour 100
Drop Pod 83
Inceptor 25
Intercessor 18
Librarian 88
Librarian in Terminator 120
Razorback 70
Stalker 75
Stormraven 192
Tartaros Terminator 26
Terminator Assault 26
Terminus Ultra 250
Vindicator 125
Whirlwind 70

chapter approved christmas

Assault bolter 10
Assault cannon 22
Assault plasma incinerator 17
Auto boltstorm gauntlets 12
Auxiliary grenade launcher 1
Boltstorm gauntlet 22
Centurion assault launchers 3
Force axe 10
Force stave 8
Hurricane bolter 10
Ironclad assault launchers 5
Plasma exterminator 17
Predator autocannon 40
Twin assault cannon 44

Roboute Guilliman 385
Sergeant Chronus 40

Death Guard
Deathshroud Terminators 35
Defiler 140
Lord of Contagion 100
Noxious Blightbringer 58
Plague Marines 17
Plagueburst Crawler 100
Sorcerer Terminator 120
Tallyman 55

Blight launcher 10
Force Axe 10
Force Stave 8
Force Sword 8
Helbrute Fist single/pair 40/50
predator autocannon 40

We’re seeing a big list of changes coming in the upcoming Chapter Approved with a lot of updated points values. 

What do you think about these points changes? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

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