How to Paint Nurglings: eBay Rescue Tricks

nurgling rescue

Take a look at our latest eBay rescue and get some tips on how you can save any models you may find for sale cheap on the internet like these Chaos Nurglings.

Grabbing models from eBay is a great way to find out of print models, especially when you are preparing lists for tournaments.

However, sometimes those models need a bit of love to get up to standards of your own army.

This tutorial goes through how to use the pre-painted paint job to your advantage, especially when time does not allow for stripping models down. Be sure to scroll down and press play on the video below, as well, to see the entire process.

nurgling rescue start

Starting with Vallejo Black Surface Primer, any chips in the previous paint is covered especially where metal is exposed. P3 Bogrin Brown is applied all over, treating the previous paint job as a primer. The same is done with other colors from the base, including Arcane Blue from P3.

These colors are applied in thin layers over the old paint job in multiple coats. With the airbrush, yellow highlights are applied over the Bogrin Brown, getting thin and smooth transitions. Finally, that yellow is brightened with Menoth Highlight, mixing with the yellow and brightening up the yellow highlights to pop. The same is done with the blues, using Arcane Blue. Screamer Pink is applied on the yellow Nurglings, cutting in the details and other details are cut in to repair previous paintwork and uneven strokes.

nurgling rescue washStrong Tone and Mid Brown washes from the Army Painter is mixed with Quickshade Mixing Medium and dabbed onto the nurglings to bring out all the recesses and shadows. The same is done to the blue except using Blue Tone instead of brown. Flash Gitz Yellow is then applied as highlights over the yellow nurglings to bring out all the peaks and contrast the shadows. The contrast will help bring out more details and see what is happening with each of these little fun guys.

Over the Screamer Pink, Emperor’s Children Pink is applied to bring out the highlights. On the blues, Arcane Blue is used to highlight the muscles and peaks.

nurgling rescue highlight

The base is covered in Vallejo Pumice. To paint this up, Soft Body Black by Secret Weapon is applied to the base. The peaks are dry brushed with Menoth White to add some contrast.To make each squad unique, the craters of each squad will be painted a different color. This is a quick and easy way to make units identifiable without adding marks to the bases and useful when needing to make things pop as well. Final touches include water effects in the craters to create toxic waste pools and applying grass tufts.

Using the paint job previously provided, and repairing things with glazing, washing, and highlighting (as well as adding easy basing elements), these eBay nurglings look fantastic and add character to the army. Take a look at the entire tutorial by pressing play on the video below!

About the Author: Drago