A Casual Players Take On The Big 40k FAQ

space marine top hor wal

The 40k Big FAQ just came out and it already has people talking, both for and against it. Join us for a look at it from a casual 40k player’s point of view. 

Yesterday Games Workshop dropped their “Big FAQ” on us for 40k, and honestly, I was happy to see some of the changes.

40k FAQ Update

A lot of the changes were aimed at competitive play, many of them needed, but it has once again changed the meta, even for the casual players like me. How did it change it? Smite for one… As a Chaos player Smite was a go to when it came to psychic powers, but now it’s not going to be going off on the tabletop nearly as much as it used to.

In other words, Smite spam is dead for me.

Psychic Focus

During the Psychic phase, you must add 1 to the warp charge value each time you cast Smite, with it capping at a warp charge value of 11. Now that horrors are going to be collecting dust a lot of players are going to need to find another way to play Tzeentch. I was happy to see this beta rule put into this FAQ, this was a much-needed change. Much needed just like the targeting Characters beta rule that is no longer beta.

Target Characters

It was too easy to sit there and move models to block their own line of sight on an enemy unit just so they could target the Character model behind them. Well, not anymore! They must be visible and they must be the closest model. Aaaahhhh, casual play is making it’s way back. I specifically like this one because now the players can go back to focusing on tactics and not just working a loophole in the rules.

Another huge change that was much needed was the change to Deep Strike, beta ruie or otherwise:

Tactical reserves

This one has people on both sides of the fence, and personally, the only reason I think it does is a lot that players relied on lists that allowed them to Deep Strike into their opponent’s territory on turn one. At no point in time for me is that fun. I don’t enjoy doing it during casual matches and I hate when someone comes to a casual game with a list built like that. Drop charging in on turn one… Really people? You’re upset they fixed that? For top-level tournament players I get it, but even they’re going to figure out how to build a bridge and get over it. In other words, it’s not that big of a deal, and I’m personally really happy to see the new Tactical Reserves rule.

Now the great new Rule of Three. Haven’t heard about the Datasheet Rule of Three yet? Well, let me tell you all about it! The days of, what’s that word? Oh yeah, SPAM, are getting a bit more numbered.

Organised Events Rule of Three

For a 1,001 – 2,000 point army you can only include a datasheet a maximum number of three times. Now, this does not apply to Troops, Dedicated Transports, or units added to your army during the battle that cost reinforcement points. That’s right people, no longer can you throw five of the same model on your list, it’s time to put on your thinking caps and actually build a list.

Speaking of building lists…

Command Points Meme

Command Points have gotten a much-needed update! Battalions are now going to give you 5 additional Command Points, and if you decide to go all out and build yourself a list with a Brigade Detachment you will be rewarded with 12 additional Command Points. Command Points play such a vital role in Matched Play, and with some Stratagems costing 3 CP’s to use you can blow through 9 CP’s faster than you realize.

All in all, I really am pleased with the latest Big FAQ update. Even if I wasn’t, it’s 40k, there’s going to be another change soon, and it’s going to change the meta again. Adapt and overcome.

What do you think about the latest FAQ update? Drop a line in the comments below and let the conversation begin!