The Resistance is gathering their bombers for a major offensive against the Empire. Fly these bombers together in formation for maximum damage!
Get ready for some insane bomber shenanigans with this build. The Crimson Squadron pilot will be fielded in a Pair or even more in this build. It may be lacking in the primary weapon department, but it can make up for it with its massive bomb armaments.
The Minefield Mapper sensor upgrade will be the centerpiece for these Resistance Bombers. During setup, after the Place Forces step, you may discard any number of your equipped bomb upgrades and place their tokens in the play area beyond range 3 form enemy ships.
This can litter the field with additional obstacles for your opponent to wade through and the bomb you pick can determine how difficult that will be.
Cluster Mines is the perfect bomb for your Minefield Mapper. Its area of real estate that it occupies can make it very difficult indeed for your opponent to dodge these bombs. Whenever a ship overlaps any of the cluster mine tokens, roll 2 attack dice and take damage whenever you roll a hit or crit. This can be a nightmare for your opponent to fly through.
Equip your bombers with Ordnance Silos to add more and more bombs. When you equip this card, place 3 ordnance tokens on each other equipped bomb upgrade card. This can result in you placing up to 6 Cluster Mine tokens in the play area with 2 Resistance Bombers and their Minefield Mappers. That is an insane amount of bombs to add to the battlespace!
With so many bombs all over the place, it helps to mitigate friendly fire. Deflective Plating can make it so that when a friendly bomb detonates, you may choose not to suffer its effects. If you do roll an attack die and discard your Plating if you roll a crit.
This can help your low agility Bombers stay intact even longer to bring the fight to the Empire!