Avatars of War June 2018 New Releases

Come and take a look at the Avatars of War June 2018 new releases that are sure to make waves across the tabletops of 9th Age and Age of Sigmar.

June is going to beastly! Get a look at these monstrous new minis that are here for Avatars of War!


Use this new Beastman Shaman to summon arcane horror to rain down upon your foes. This mini was sculpted by the talented Felix Paniagua and would be a great addition to your Beastman forces.


This disciple of the swarm is as mighty as the vermin tide. This miniature was also created by Felix Paniagua and could help lead your Vermin Army to victory.
Make sure you visit Avatars of War to see the full details of these amazing minis and don’t forget to take a look at all of their other great creations as well.
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About the Author: Felix Paniagua

Makers of fantasy miniatures for our game of epic fantasy battles Warthrone, and our skirmish combat game Arena Deathmatch. Developers of the World of Saga, a fantasy setting which provides a background to our miniatures, games and imagery.