New Space Wolves and Genestealer Cult are coming this week along with Death Guard, and more. Check out the latest release for the Tabletop hobby!
If you blinked you may have missed an update for one of the games you love. Here are the latest hobby updates since Friday to get you back in the trenches headed into August!
BREAKING: Space Wolves Coming Next Week
Winter is coming as GW is rolling Space Wolves next week as a standalone and with the rumored Vigilus starter set against Genestealer Cults.
Adeptus Titanicus Core Book Rules REVEALED
Want to see what all the Grandmaster hype is all about? Check out all the rules for the new game in our deeper look into the Adeptus Titanicus itself.
GW dropped a little teaser that may have everything, or nothing, to do with an upcoming Space Wolf release. Check out these juicy rumors.
New Black Library: Slaves to Darkness, Realm Gate Wars, & More
More great books are here from GW this week, as Slaves to Darkness, Realm Gate Wars, and more headlines on the lore side of things from the Black Library.
Adeptus Titanicus Pre-Order Lineup & Pricing
The Titans are here! Come and see the new exciting week one pre-order line up for Adeptus Titanicus with prices and descriptions!
Your New Spikey Bits Is Here!
A brand new Spikey Bits website experience is now live, and we’ll be working on the site throughout the week to get everything firing on all cylinders!
And that’s a wrap! Don’t forget to keep your eyes peeled for what else the gaming world is throwing at you this week. We’ll have it all here on your new Spikey Bits.