Treacherous Threats: X-Wing 2.0 Squad Build

By Barclay Montgomery | March 20th, 2019 | Categories: Star Wars Tactics, X-Wing 2.0

Separatist Vulture Droids

The Separatist Vulture Droids are swarming up in formation to begin their attack in X-Wing 2.0. These treacherous tactics require precise calculations.

Captain Sear

Captain Sear will be leading this droid swarm to the forefront of battle. This Belbullab-22 pilot has a synergistic pilot ability that can greatly benefit the attacks of his fellow wing-mates. While a friendly ship at range 0-3 of Captain Sear is attacking and the defender is in its bulls-eye arc, that friendly ship may spend 1 calculate token to cancel an evade. Much like Crack Shot, the droid starfighters will be able to cancel out defense dice and get those attacks to hit home consistently. This requires a healthy amount of calculate tokens, but this next upgrade will have them covered.


A new upgrade for the Separatist faction, Tactical Relay upgrades allow you to synergize your ships together to achieve victory. Kraken is a Tactical Relay upgrade that gives you plentiful calculate tokens for your droid squadron. During the End Phase, you may choose up to 3 friendly ships at range 0-3; each of those ships does not have to remove 1 calculate token. This ability will have your droids nice and set up for their next turn already calculated and fits within Captain Sear’s pilot ability range as well.  Treacherous

To keep your droid leader alive, he will need to be Treacherous. This talent will keep the equipped ship it’s on a little safer from enemy fire at the expense of weakening his wing-mates. While a Treacherous ship defends, it may choose a ship obstructing the attack and spend 1 charge to cancel a hit or crit result, and the ship you chose gains 1 strain token. A strain token makes a ship roll one fewer defense die when it defends, so this can make your fellow droid ships obstructing your attacks more vulnerable. The best outcome would be to use an enemy ship that is obstructing an attack. Precise Hunter

Your droid squadron needs to swarm up, and with 3 Precise Hunter ships in your squadron, they can use their synergies well. While a Precise Hunter ship performs an attack, if the defender is in its bulls-eye arc, it may re-roll 1 blank. This bulls-eye arc ability synergizes well with Captain Sear’s ability, allowing a Precise Hunter to cancel an evade result and re-roll a blank all in one attack! Just make sure that you have those calculate tokens handy.Energy-Shell Charges

Calculate tokens can be used for more options than just a die modifier, as Energy-Shell Charges will show you. This missile upgrade needs a calculate token to fire a 3 die attack at range 2-3, and lets you spend that calculate token to change 1 focus result into a crit. With the Kraken upgrade, you will have plenty of calculate tokens to get your Energy-Shell Charges the fuel they need to take out your prey!

More Star Wars Tactics

About the Author: Barclay Montgomery

I’m a weird guy wargamer and hobby enthusiast. I’m like the Thing, I can take many forms. I could be a bounty hunter looking for Rebel prey, a commander of an Imperial fleet, or the Hive Mind of the Great Devourer of Worlds.