Start To Finish: Painting Necromunda Delaque Guide

By Barclay Montgomery | February 5th, 2019 | Categories: How To Tutorial, Necromunda, Videos

Start To Finish: Painting Necromunda Delaque Guide

Get ready for another awesome start to finish guide on how to paint a Necromunda House Delaque model using the Pro Acryl paint set!

This start-to-finish painting guide will give you a good idea of what the paints are like in the Creature Caster Pro Acryl paint set and get a nice tutorial on airbrushing a cool Necromunda model. This gunslinger will be ready for the tabletop in no time. Let’s get started.


Jack of Clubs starts off by painting the leather coat of this Necromunda model with the Mahogany paint from the Pro Acryl set. This paint is semi-transparent and allows the black primer underneath to stick out as a nice shading element. Next up is the Burnt Red color. Focus on the lower hem of the duster coat to create a darker shade for the upper part and a brighter red on the bottom of his coat. A nice red highlight is added to each of his guns, throwing it back to the original bolter colors of old.


The head assembly is painted next, starting off with a gray primer and using a Dark Warm Gray and Tan Flesh from the Pro Acryl set. Mixed together, they give this model a pale, ashen skin tone fitting of a Necromunda ganger. These muted colors help the bright and dark reds really pop off of his leather duster. Bright Warm Gray will also help get the skin just right, focusing on a top-down type of highlight, bringing the pale skin to the forefront, adding cool colors for contrast.


Next, Jack focuses on painting the accessories on the Necromunda model. He gets the belt buckles, knives, and skull symbols all over the model. Jack starts off with a black primer and uses some silvers and golds to highlight these accessory bits on the model. He also uses a Golden Yellow to highlight the piping on the leather duster, really focusing on the edge highlighting. The ivory color is used to finish off the edge highlights around the base of the duster jacket.


A nice gloss varnish really brings all the colors together, allowing all of the reds to blend together seamlessly on the duster. Army Painter Quick Shade is a great varnish to get this model washed. Make sure to wick away any puddles that form to avoid coffee stains on your model. A matte varnish from Vallejo, mixed with airbrush thinner, cuts down on the shine.


This Necromunda model comes with a cool Necromunda base, so let’s paint that too! Jack starts off with a silver base coat to give it a metallic hue.

Next, Mahogany allows for more rust or grime focus on the base and a dirty metal look. A Dark Tone wash can really bring the base together. Add your model and you have a fantastic Necromunda paint job!


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