Fenn Rau is a daredevil Scum pilot extraordinaire with a knack for getting in the enemy’s face and never letting up. Get in close and take down your foes in a face-off!
Fenn Rau is as good of an Ace pilot as they come in X-Wing 2.0. At a very high initiative of 6, Fenn will get in just the right spot to unleash his barrage of weaponry against any foe that dares face him head-on. Fen Rau has a knack of getting in close and getting an additional die while defending or attacking at range 1. This can give him a primary attack of 5 dice and a defensive pool of 4 dice at range 1, making it the safest place for Fenn to be!
Being at range 1 can have its advantages, especially if you are Fearless. This talent upgrade takes Fenn Rau’s ability and makes it even better. While you perform an attack at range 1 and are in the defender’s firing arc, you may change 1 of your results to a hit result. This can make that 5 die attack at range 1 even more powerful unless you have munitions handy.
Advanced Proton Torpedoes is a munitions upgrade that awards those that stay at close engagements. As a locked attack, Fenn may spend 1 charge to perform a 6 die attack at range 1 and can change 1 hit to a crit. This can blast any ship off the map on X-Wing 2.0, and fortune favors the bold, especially the Scum faction!
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