This Rebel pilot may be even more maneuverable than the famed hotshot pilot Poe Dameron. Enter the newest Rebel Ace’s game plan. Hello nasty!
Flying loops around the Imperial Aces, Ello Asty is a nasty surprise to encounter. At initiative 5 and with a supremely maneuverable pilot ability, Ello can be tricky to target.
After Ello reveals a red Tallon Roll maneuver, he may treat that maneuver as white if he has 2 or fewer stress tokens. Performing such a difficult maneuver as white can open Ello up for some flanking maneuvers.
Since Ello can essentially perform white Tallon Rolls, he will be in a position to Outmaneuver the Imperials. While Ello performs a primary attack, if he is no in the defender’s firing arc, the defender rolls 1 fewer defense die. Getting caught with your agility reduced by 1 die can be problematic for the fragile Imperial TIE Fighters!
After Ello performs those Tallon Rolls, he will be able to kick on his Afterburners. As a small ship modification, this can allow Ello to perform a free boost after he performs his Tallon Roll to close in on his prey. Getting a range 1 attack while he is Outmaneuvering will be the ultimate goal.
With all of these crazy maneuvers, there can be some stress getting through. Primed Thrusters will still give Ello some maneuvers, even if he is stressed. While Ello has 2 or fewer stress tokens, he can perform barrel rolls and boosts. Give those Imperials something to fear with Ello Asty!