New AoS Measuring Templates From The Hexy Store

By Tim Roberts | April 13th, 2019 | Categories: Hobby Products, Tabletop Gaming Products

AoS Measuring Templates From The Hexy Store

Come and see a great way to get your AoS army across the board with these faction specific range rulers from The Hexy Store.

The Hexy Store is a great place to find those one of a kind hobby products like these new fantasy range rulers.

Fantasy Combat Ruler – Large: $7.83



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Combat Ruler made from plexiglass with awesome engraving dedicated to different forces.

It has 9 inches long edge with smaller edges of 3, 2 and 1 inches.  

It is dedicated to helping you with measuring combat distances, movement and reach of the weapons in many wargames.



Fantasy Combat Ruler – Small: $7.02



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Combat Ruler made from plexiglass with awesome engraving dedicated to different forces.

It has 6 inches long edge with smaller edges of 3, 2 and 1 inches.  

It is dedicated to helping you with measuring combat distances, movement and reach of the weapons in many wargames.

These templates are a great way to represent your faction of choice and spend less time hunting of a tape measurer. Make sure you visit the Hexy Shop and secure yours today!

About the Author: Tim Roberts