When Orks are deciding who is in charge it’s pretty easy to figure out. You just find the biggest worst one in the group and that’s the leader!
Come see one sick model brought to us by hobby maniac Matt DeBoer.
Been cobbling away at this big boy for a couple of months, but I’m finally calling him done. I give you Skarbad Gutstompa, warlord of Da Burnin Deff Waaagh
If you can’t figure out who the biggest Ork in the group is then it is probably you.
The Ork Warboss’s end up with the finest weapons. From leftover Knight Titan swords to awesome dakka guns.
To carry all these massive weapons a Mekboy will usually add some hydraulics to the Orks limbs. Thus enabling them to lift things much bigger then they should.
“I will crush you good, umie!”
Interested in showing off your work on Spikey Bits, and seeing your name in lights? We want those pics!