These Troopers and Scouts are getting frosty in the snow in Star Wars Legion. Use a coordinated assault to smash those Rebels for the Empire!
The Snowtroopers are coming! Get out your snow shovels and deploy from an AT-AT in Legion. The humble Snowtroopers may not look like much, but these troops will get the job done for the Empire. Equipped with an E-11 Blaster Rifle, the Snowtroopers are Steady in their movements, allowing them to perform an attack action after a move action. Once they get into range, light them up with a Flametrooper.
The Flametrooper upgrade adds 1 flametrooper mini to your Snowtrooper squad for close engagements. Ignoring cover with the Blast ability, this weapon can Spray all over those Rebels that thought they were safe. Spray gives you an additional attack die to your pool per enemy mini, so find a big squad and hose them down!
As your Snowtroopers approach their targets at a slow and Steady pace, a Scout Trooper Strike Team will be carefully placed to provide covering fire. Once deployed, your Strike Team can get to prime positioning with Scout and Low Profile. Sharpshooter will definitely help you pick off Rebel officers, especially with a Sniper upgrade.
The DLT-19x Sniper upgrade gives you 1 additional mini to add to your Strike Team. This gives you a 2 black dice attack at any range and makes sure your target is taken out with High Velocity and Pierce. No Rebel will be safe once they face the fire and ice of this combo!