LIVE NOW! Watch the 2019 40k ATC Tournament!

By Rob Baer | July 15th, 2019 | Categories: ATCs, Games Workshop, Warhammer 40k News


Watch the 2019 Warhammer 40k ATCs LIVE now hosted by the Long War TV. We’ll be streaming all five of the top tables each round!

The 2019 American Team Championships is here! With teams from all around the country, there’s bound to be a whole lot to talk about. The tables at the event are going to be fully stocked with all kinds of awesome new army lists from the meta.

The Long War TV Crew is Hosting ATC 2019 on Twitch!

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Twitch Streaming Will be Hosted Eastern Time

If you haven’t heard, 2019’s ATC are powered by Skillshot and hosted on all the channels you would find the Long War TV steaming.

kenny rob long war

The streams will also be featuring multiple other guests and tabletop reporting all weekend.  The Stream schedule is all Eastern Time so make sure you don’t miss a second of the action!

The schedule to watch is:

  • Saturday: 8:00 AM
  • Sunday: 9:00 AM

Mark the times down on your hobby calendars because it’s going to be a showdown.

atc sponsor

Things are revving up at the event as the ATC’s has plenty of amazing hobby sponsors this year. So while you wait for the full coverage, what army do you think will beat the competition overall? Do you think we’ll see some homebrew lists snatch the rug out from the meta heavy-hitters? Which faction are you rooting for?

Watch Now LIVE

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