Two more 40k armies went undefeated at the eighty-player Warzone: Houston tournament. Check out what they brought and see how your list stacks up!
Warzone: Houston was an eighty-player event where people brought lists of all shapes and sizes to duke it out. These three lists not only made it into the top 3 placings but two were also undefeated!
Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.
3rd Place: Genestealer Cults- Clifton Russel
This list might look a little overwhelming at first but it essentially boils down to a Brigade, a Battalion, and Patrol detachment. The Brigade mostly dumped points into all of the cheapest battlefield roles available while still bringing the entire GSC character package. For the most part, however, this detachment was filled with disposable bodies for the CP battery.
Looking at Battalion, this is where things got heated.
With forty hand flamers strapped onto a body of an almost-Genestealer, these Acolytes could knock out any kind of screen that was leftover from the mortar spam during turn one. After the little bodies were torched, they could still chew through armor with their scything talons and rending claws.
As for the tank-hunting aspect of the list, the Atalan Jackals were armed to the teeth in demo charges and mining lasers. Overall, this list had a ton of bodies for the enemy to chew through while almost always guaranteeing the first strike on key targets with valuable units.
2nd Place: Space Marine Soup- Colin McDade
Going over the Deathwatch first, these guys ate up just over half of the list’s points. The Veterans were loaded up with a Terminator, Biker, and Stormshields to give the best bonuses and sustainability possible in the game. All while unloading devastating specialized ammo tailor made to whatever scenario they found themselves in.
A Battalion of Blood Angels was taken for the Smash Captains and mid-field disruptions from Infiltrator squads and a group of Scouts.
Finally, a Spearhead of Raven Guard bringing three squads of the new Eliminators was brought along and led by the other two HQ options out of Shadowspear. While Primaris had a rocky start at the beginning of 8th, it looks like they are slowly becoming more and more attuned to the competitive meta. This isn’t the first time we’ve seen Elminators place in the top three listings!
1st Place: Orks- Nick Sutherland
This list got its CP from three Battalion detachments. Looking at the first, a regular Big Mek and Warboss on Bike led three squads of thirty Slugga/Choppa Boyz down the field making the most of their speed with the Evil Sunz faction.
Looking at the second Battalion, this is where the meat of the list really sat. Three Big Meks were in charge of twelve Mek Gun models and the Gretchin protecting them with their lives. We saw the gun line Ork list pop up at the top of some tournaments at the start of 8th and it’s exciting to still see this list totally viable after all of the codexes that have been released.
Lastly, a Battalion of Bad Moon Orks really just turned out to be a squad of Lootas being puppy guarded by thirty-three Gretchin bodies. A good list capitalizes on target saturation and between all of the Mek Gunz and the fatty squad of Lootas, this army did exactly that! Great job!
Overall, we’ve seen some cool lists rise to the top of this tournament. That being said, do you play one of these factions? Have you been playtesting a list similar? Does it take just as good of an army general to win as it does having the right units?
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