Don’t miss the latest previews and rumors for Warhammer 40k’s version of X-Wing Miniatures as we go over what may be on the way for Aeronautica Imperialis.
Aeronautica Imperialis was just previewed at Gen Con pitting Imperial planes against Orkish flying contraptions. This skirmish-style game is set in the skies and played on a board, but was it the source of some rumors from earlier?
Aeronautica Imperialis Previewed
Aeronautica Imperialis will be launching with a boxed set that makes starting and learning the game simple, allowing you to dogfight your friends with the Imperial Navy and Orks. It’s no one-off, either, and you can look forward to ongoing support and expansions that bring new challenges to the game.
While we’re waiting to hear more details about the game, it looks like it’ll be a larger-scale skirmish game with a hexed board. Units will probably only be able to maneuver a certain amount depending on their size/speed.
More Rumors Of What’s To Come
Speaking of Aeronautica Imperialis, an Industry Insider had this to say:
AI card packs and Rynn’s World Campaign Book part of release.
There are a few key things to break down about this rumor. The card packs they mentioned could possibly be what was spotted in the previewed pic from above. Beyond that, the Rynn’s World book sounds like it could be linked to an earlier rumor from the same source.
The only difference is that they mentioned one of Dorn’s Chapters being included a Space Marine boardgame. With that said, we do know that Rynn’s World is the home of the Crimson Fists (i.e one of Dorn’s Chapters).
It’s odd that the rumor includes something about card packs and a book together. We’re not sure if Rynn’s World could be a future supplement book coming to Aeronautica Imperialis in the same fashion that Adeptus Titanicus keeps getting book supplements (Doom of Molech/Titandeath). However, GW definitely has some big stuff in store for us.
Hopefully, as time goes on and more previews drop around the game, we’ll have a clearer picture. But for now, what are your initial thoughts on the flying skirmish game? Which faction are you wanting to play? Do you think the rumor could be about this game? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. And sign up to get your free hobby updates newsletter each morning as well!