Kromlech Does Orktober Right With 15 New Releases!

kromlech orks orktober orc

Kromlech has some incredible new minis on the way for your favorite Greenskin faction. They’re doing Orktober the right way in 2019!

While GW’s 2018 Orktober might have flopped with a November release and just a few buggies that are overcosted for the competitive side of the game.

Kromlech wants you to hold their beer as they are is bringing some serious heat with an all-new range of Orc models and terrain.

Kromlech Does Orktober Right With 15 New Releases!


Taking to the skies, the Orcs armed some jets to the teeth with plenty of dakka. In true Orc fashion, it looks like this thing is held together with what was found in a scrap bucket and running off of a dream!

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Bringing in some new models, Kromlech’s Orcs looted an old WWII-looking tank and made it look 10x better. But that’s just the new model coming to the ground force.

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In an ode to Freddie Mercury, this Orc is leading the same band of models that we see appear on converted armies from time to time. While the beats are blasting, Kromlech is also bringing in some new terrain.

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Check out this  Mek’s experimentation tower.  It’s got an iron cage ready to fall on anyone that tries to come up. Talk about a security system. 

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Featuring the Orcish Greatcoats, there’s another terrain piece on the way. Rocking a 360 view of Orc icons, these boys know how to claim territory and make sure everyone knows who it belongs to.

Keep your eyes peeled for these to release as Kromlech does Orktober the way it should have been all along! With these models and kits previewed, what will you be looking to get first? How many points of Orks do you have in 40k?

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