16 New Chaos Models Releasing For Warhammer AoS!

new releases slaves of darkness chaos gw16 new Chaos models are on the way for Slaves of Darkness and Age of Sigmar soon. Check out the latest pricing and release rumors for December.

A massive chart of rumored GW releases that was spotted recently, and now, we’ve got a first look at the prices of the items ahead. Check out the pricing for the rumored releases hitting store shelves on December 14th

December 19 Bringing More Warcry & AoS?

december 14 rumor product pricing

Coming from @wagamingdave, it looks like some sort of pricing has been revealed for what’s ahead. Just as much as the products themselves are rumors, so are the prices. However, going off of what some of the more recent GW releases have been, these price points may be surprisingly accurate.

slaves to darkness

Previous Start Collecting Slaves To Darkness featuring models from the early 2000s.

The biggest of these releases is the overhaul of the Slaves to Darkness in AoS, and more Warcry content for already-released factions. As for the Slaves to Darkness, the pricing for the Start Collecting at $95, Warscroll Cards at $25, and a Battletome at $40 all look to be accurate.

The thing that has us scratching our heads is the fact that old Warcry Warbands are getting some kind of (potential) release that’ll cost more than the base Warband itself.

corvus cabal 2

With each Warband costing $50 base, these releases above look to be $65 a pop. Could these be alternate sculpts of existing units? Or will these be boxes that could come with a variety of options to mix up with your other units?

16 New Chaos Slaves To Darkness Models

In an interesting path to market on Games Workshop’s part, 16 new models are going to be coming first in a bundle that looks to be replacing the current Slaves to Darkness Start Collecting box.

chaos start collecting aos slaves to darkness (2)

Warhammer Community teased the new models at the Blood & Glory event late Saturday, November 2nd.

First up, new Chaos Warriors! As old as Warhammer itself, Chaos Warriors have inspired countless hobbyists to start wargaming. We’ve not messed with their iconic aesthetic, instead giving them some dynamic new poses that’ll look right at home on the front lines of your Chaos army.

A set of 5 new Chaos Knights (pictured here with lances) bring the new model count to 15 so far here:

And last (but certainly not least) is a new Chaos Lord on a lizard of some origin making 16 new models…

Lastly, we’ve got a monster-mounted (and massive) Chaos Lord. This huge model (seriously, he’s big) is a dark mirror to the Lord Celestant on Dracoth and a truly terrifying combatant, ideal for spearheading your assaults on the pathetic kingdoms of the Storm God…

Look for a new Battletome that combines the forces of the Everchosen, and Warcry into one massive tome of Chaos.

slaves to darkness battletome

Battletome: Slaves to Darkness forges this much-loved army into a force worthy of the Age of Sigmar. The scope of this book is vast. If you’ve been collecting Warcry warbands, you’ll be able to field a diverse barbarian horde made up of tribes from across the realms.

Alternatively, you could field an elite army led by Archaon and the Everchosen – or countless other possible combinations. With sub-factions, new lore, rules and more, this book is an incredible resource for any Chaos fan.

What are you most excited about now that MORE Chaos is on the way?

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RUMORS: GW’s Full Holiday Release Lineup & Pricing!

Space Marine walpaperDon’t miss this rumored lineup of Games Workshop’s holiday releases along with pricing, some of which are already on the way next week! Read More