For the Emperor and Cadia! Don’t miss a very nicely done Imperial Guard Army brought to life by the team at Dark Bunny Creatives.
Dark Bunny Creative Studios has been around for quite some time now and definitely are good at what they do. They offer painting services and can turn your army into almost anything you could imagine.
Get Your Models Painted by Dark Bunny Creatives
This massive army is about 2200-2500 points painted at Dark Bunny’s second level painting.
Cadian Shock Troops Army Showcase
Starting with the infantry we’ve got some Kasrkin with a commander up in front. Each model has a decent amount of edge highlighting and all the lines are super clean.
Moving on from them we’ve got more of the leaders in charge of the army, holding the iconic flag/standard rallying the troops.
And of course, we also have the top of the command food chain and even some ad mech dispersed in there.
The first armored units of the army are of course the tried and true Leman Russ, the weathering and edge highlighting really show through on these.
Of course, a Basilisk doesn’t hurt either! The lenses and shading look great on this model in particular.
The army also has one Valkyrie just in case you need to get there on the double.
And of course, what is a Guard army worth its socks without the mack-daddy himself, the Baneblade? Maybe it’s just the model, but this Baneblade looks stunning even in its simplistic color scheme.
Get Your Models Painted by Dark Bunny Creatives
That’s all we have today for you. Be sure to press play on the video below, and don’t hesitate to check them out for all your army painting commission needs
Painted models provided for promotion and review.