3 Homebrew 40k Army Lists That Shocked the Meta Over Weekend!

Reiver H&S Wal Hor primaris space marine chapterAnother massive 40k event was held and some pretty unique lists were spotted kicking butt and taking names. Check out what these players brought.

The Barrie Bash 40k Major had over sixty players under one roof to roll some dice. Spotted within the meta-heavy lists, some players took units that nobody expected to really see and they didn’t do too bad!

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Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. Now let’s check out these dope lists.

barrie bash wal

Tyranid Good Stuff- Christopher Rice

Tyranid Carnifex Wal Hor


barrie bash tyranids 1Christopher rolled into the tourney with Tyranid good stuff. While most lists have some kind of combo they synergize together with, this list looks to have mainly just been a melting pot of different bugs. With some key Psykers like a Neurothrope and Brood thrown in, Chris put roughly a quarter of his list’s points toward two big squads of Tyranid Warriors.

These are the more elite frontline troops of the army (probably the closest thing we can compare Primaris to). Now adding some big kahunas to the list, a Maleceptor and Exocrine also hit the field. The Maleceptor is a potent Psyker and melee powerhouse for the points. Meanwhile, the Exocrine has some decent anti-Primaris firepower with each shot popping something like an Intercessor.

barrie bash tyranids 2Carrying out two more Battalions, this list had absolutely no shortage of CP. Termagants filled the troops selection pretty much across the board to keep things cheap. The rest of the points were spread around for two more Primaris-killing Exocrines and Psykers. Between target saturation, mortal wound output, and multi-damage firepower, this list was sweet to see!

Jay Lymer- Imperial Fists

imperial cirmson fist pollux


barrie bash imperial fists 1This Imperial Fist list capitalized on what they’re good at. However, instead of spamming Centurions for days to dump mortal wounds out with the Siegebreaker Cohort Vigilus formation, it also used a hefty amount of indirect stationary fire.

Intercessors hit the table with Stalker bolters and cleared other Primaris out of the table. Meanwhile, three Redemptors with plasma cleared chaff and backed up the bolter fire from Intercessors helping to take down the multi-wound models. As we just mentioned, Centurions were brought to sling out a few mortal wounds for as long as they were on the table also.

barrie bash imperial fists 2But instead of putting all his eggs in one basket with Centurions, he also brought in some Thunderfire Cannons and Stalkers for indirect firepower that was able to stop most low-toughness advancements in their tracks. Way to capitalzie on what your army specializes in as well as put your own twist to things.

Jessie Rocha- Berzerker Soup

kharn 40k’s Top Unbeatable Army: Broadside Bash GT


barrie bash chaosFor this list, it worked exactly like a one-two punch combo. some Khorne Berzerkers were loaded into Rhinos and were covered by volley fire from three Knight Despoilers. With each Knight being armed with two thermal cannons and a missile pod, basically anything with armor was as good as dead. As for the screens/objective grabbers in the enemy’s force, they only lived as long as it took the Rhinos to drop their angry bois inside. Very simple, but very awesome list. It’s always nice to see Berzerkers do work.

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After looking at these armies, have you been inspired to take some less-popular units? Do you have a favorite model that everyone else sees as “bad”? Do you still manage to do work with it whenever it hits the table?

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