Check out the top three Harlequins 40k army lists from LVO, as they look to be getting new rules in the June issue of White Dwarf later this summer.
2020’s LVO brought in nearly one-thousand different players to roll dice. Now, we’ll be looking specifically at some Harlequin lists. Keep in mind that even if someone places in the top 300-400, they’re still doing better than over half of the players overall.
Top 3 Eldar Harlequins 40k Army Lists Right Now
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Las Vegas Open 2020- Coverage
694th Place: Jared Baker- Harlequins
Harlequins are the fastest-moving on-foot faction that 40k has to offer. Where most armies would have to dedicate a ton of points toward transports to match their speed, Harlequins can literally just run up the board. With that said, Troupes can also be screen blenders or tank melters thanks to their Shuriken pistols and Fusion pistols respectively.
After spamming Troupe after Troupe with a mix of Shuriken, Fusion, and D3-damage melee weapons, a couple of Death Jesters were taken to really lay down the hate on key units while being protected thanks to the Character keyword. Plus, at 45 pts they’re dirt cheap. A Solitaire was also taken for that extra burst of damage for just under 100 pts (Could he be the faction’s form of a Smash Captian?)
Jarred also threw over 400 pts toward units of Skyweavers. These are one of the all-star units of the faction. With their blistering speed combined with cannons that cause mortal wounds against vehicles, they can create so much pressure in such a short amount of time. The two secondary units of just two bikes were also probably for fast objective grabbing/light harassment while the bigger unit hunted things like Knights.
Beyond that, some Void Weavers rocking the same loadout as the Syweavers hit the table to help pop tanks and Starweavers were brought to help protect the more valuable Fusion Troupes from enemy fire. Overall, this list applied a bunch of pressure in a very short amount of time, all while having the speed to react accordingly to the enemy and nab objectives.
517th Place: Jeremiah Bergdale- Harlequins
This list was a bit different from the first in that all of Jeremiah’s Troupes were kitted the same. With a Fusion pistol and a cheap 1-damage melee weapon. Filling out a Battalion, he brought four troupes with a ton of tank-killing potential.
Of course, with so much anti-armor firepower on some T3 bodies, he bought some Starweavers as transports to help get them in close even faster. The usual Harlequin character package was also brought with the inclusion of some Shadowseers for psychic support.
Using the rest of the points, he brought three huge squads of Skyweavers. These are the bikes we talked about in the first list that can absolutely devastate anything mechanical. Awesome job putting so much hate toward a meta where we almost always see a Knight or Repulsor.
130th Place: Zaak Kerstetter- Harlequins
This list was the highest Harlequin faction ton the leaderboards. So jumping in, troupes were taken in a Battalion with Fusion and a mix of melee weapons.
Just like all the other lists, a decent amount of points were also thrown into squads of Skyweavers to go tank hunting and Starweavers for protected transportation of Fusion Troupes. However, this is where this list really breaks off from the other two.
Another Battalion was brought with even more Troupes loaded with some cheap wargear (Shurikens and Harlequins blade). These guys were more than likely used to grab objectives/clear unimportant screens from the enemy’s flanks.
Points were also put toward a Death Jester and Solitaire, because honestly, they’re powerhouses for their points. Topping it all off, a couple more Starweavers were brought to add more speed and protection from enemy fire against The Troupes.
Great job for having your list place highest on the leaderboard for Harlequins!
With these lists covered, will you be changing how your 2k Harlequin list looks? What’s your favorite unit out of the faction?
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