More surprise homebrew 40k army lists went against the grain of the meta at the Invasion tournament and didn’t do too bad at all!
The Invasion 40k tourney took place over the weekend and brought in a whopping 59 players to roll some dice. Using 9th Edition scoring here’s what some players brought that went against the grain of the meta.
3 Homebrew Army Lists That Shocked Invasion 40k Tourney
Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.
Olav Hobberstad-Halaand-Imperial Fists
For Imperial Fists, this list didn’t do too bad and has completely gotten away from the Siegebreaker Cohort build (which is also illegal in 9th Edition Matched Play). CPs were spent to turn a Captain into a Chapter Master and co-led with a cheap-o Techmarine. A Squad of Scouts were taken for some early game objective grabbing as well.
Looking into the workforce of the list, two five-man Inceptor Squads with assault bolters were brought. These guys were a mobile bolter platform that also had a surprising amount of durability. It’s nice to see Inceptors getting some play! A Thunderfire Cannon was also taken because indirect fire that ignores cover is just great for clearing out objectives.
Another Patrol was brought with a Captain and Lieutenant leading another objective-grabbing Scout squad while a Whirlwind Scorpius and Rapier Carrier hung in the backfield (probably near the Thunderfire Cannon) and provided covering fire for the Outrider Squads. Overall, this is a rather mobile imperial Fist list that spammed Bolt weapons in some new creative ways.
Kjetil Liknes- Necrons
This Necron list was pretty sweet, taking full advantage of Crypteks and their new Cryptothrall goons. Big bad Szeras, Orikan the Diviner (a super old character), and a Royal Warden led three huge blobs of Warriors using a mix of Gauss Flayers and Reapers (from Indomitus). Note that Szeras also took Immortal Pride which kept all of the units close from failing morale and giving him the ability to attempt a deny.
The Warriors formed a solid firing base that only got more scary as enemy units got close. For some melee output, two squads of Skorpekh Destroyers were also brought. A mobile firing platform of Gauss Cannon Destroyers also hit the field and more than likely hunted down exposed objectives and sat on them while blasting other units that got close. Finally, the list finished strong with two backfield Doomsday Arks for the Anti-Tank firepower.
Bjorn Havar Falck-Andersen-Aeldari
Some Craftworld Aeldari were also taken using some custom faction rules. These Aeldari ignored cover and could reroll a hit and wound roll for each time they shot/fought. Think Imperial Fists and Salamanders combined. As far as units go, some Dire Avengers were brought to hold down all the objectives as the game progressed. Warp Spiders and Hornets were also super mobile quick response units to any objectives that were threatened in the middle of the board.
For anti-armor, some Dark Reapers and two Falcons made their way into the list providing some solid 3-flat damage output with just three units alone.
To give the list a little girth, a Spearhead Detachment was brought making full use of Wraithbone tech. Note that these guys could also reroll a hit/wound each time they shot or fought but they also got an extra attack when they were within 3″ of an objective marker. This made them great objective keepers as the enemy had to fight extra hard to get these guys off. From the combined D6 damage attacks from three Wraithlords as well as the footprint that six Wraithblades had, this list was very oppressive.
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