GW Reveals More Orlock House of Iron Rules!

orlocks necromunda release pdf instructions gang warsThe Orlock House of Iron supplement is up next for Necromunda and the second round of rules previews are here- check them out!

We’ve recently seen a bunch of Orlock support on the way to Necromunda in the form of a book called House of Iron as well as a handful of new models.

House of Iron Book

Now, Warhammer Community expanded on the gang and showcased even more rules. We did a post about the first set of rules teasers, but we’ll highlight some of them for you here as well. Let’s check out the new rules!

Quick Overview of the First Set of Rules

House of iron foot sloggerNew Orlock Champion

orlock hammerThis guy looks like he does the DPS AND BOY DOES HE DO THE DPS. By looking at his model, he looks to be a chunky dude, but that hammer gives him S+3 and 3 flat damage. He can outright lay an Underhive boi down in a single swing.

orlock wreckerThese are the hot-headed youth of the clan – they’re desperate to make a name for themselves so they’ll be taking some risks.

orlock wrecker rules 1So these dudes all have rigged up jump boosters for a bit more mobility. You have the chance of moving an extra 6″ with these guys but there’s a 33% chance your booster will malfunction. If you roll a 1, you don’t move and you become prone and pinned… There’s definitely some risk and reward there.

orlock wrecker rules 2These dudes will become exceptionally better on the charge with a +1 Hit and +1 Strength modifier too. They’re literally flying at you with a jump pack they taped together in a garage so it makes sense.

Another note to make on Wreckers is that it looks like these guys will be cheap and spammable in your games.

More New House Orlock Rules Revealed

Arms MastersArms Masters


Rule of IronWhen your Arms Masters are around your fighters are far less likely to run or give up. If you are running a bunch of cheaper units this will help them stay in the fight longer!

Cyber Mastiff Rules

orlock arms master 2

Cyber Mastiff RulesThese crazy dogs make perfect protectors for your more exposed characters.

Loyal ProtectorAs long as the doggos are close, it will be far harder for the enemy gangs to get rid of their masters!

Orlock Wrecker Rules

house of iron jetpackOrlock Wrecker

Orlock WreckersFor only 55 credits the Wreckers make a great addition to any Orlock gang. Because they are prospects they also improve quickly over the course of a campaign and are just great minis.

Jump booster ruleThey can get on objectives super quickly and when they charge into combat they get some really nice modifiers. Always nice to have some modifiers for cheaper units!

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Special Skills

Shotgun SvantIf you have an Arms Master equipped with a shotgun and this rule, you can really pump out the shots!

Orlock Specific Tactics

Blood BrothersIf you feel like you need that little extra firepower to win and aren’t too worried about the credits, this could change the game in your favor.

ShowboatingMax out your combat efficiency with this awesome tactic. If you have a serious beast in combat, this could basically double their combat output for a round.

House Orlock Rules – Legendary Names

One Punch RuleOrlocks live and die by their reputation. Only makes sense they get some cool legendary Names. This is a fun rule for a character armed with a ton of guns to get some damage in combat. Who knew One Punch Man was actually an Orlock Ganger?

Lucky ruleEven though it’s just one roll throughout the game, a free 6 is far stronger than a reroll. This could be a really sneaky way to change the tide of a game!

Pretty Exciting stuff for all the Orlock players out there!

What do you think of the new rules? Will you be adding an Orlock Gang to your collection?

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