This is Why You Need The Forge World 40k Compendium

forge-world-compendium-new-rulesHere are all the reasons why you need (or don’t need) the new Warhammer 40k Forge World Compendium for your games of 9th Edition 40k.

Everyone was super excited when GW announced they were going to have the actual rules team write all the rules for Forge World. But now it looks like there are multiple reasons why you need or don’t need the giant book.

Let’s see how they affect your hobby.

This is Why You Need The Forge World 40k Compendium

Table of contents Imperial Armour 1


Table of contents Imperial Armour 2

Pro: Better Organization In the Book

With recent books making this change as well, the points cost of each model is at the end of each section. While everything being in one book can be good or bad depending on the lens you use, everything you need for a faction being in one place is nice. The compact nature of the compendium takes a no-BS approach keeping just what you need.

This means much less flipping through pages, which leads to faster games, and less time looking things up. VERY NICE!

Pro: Updated FW Chapters and Units

The new Compendium also brought new support like new marine chapter tactics for FW chapters such as Minotaurs, Red Scorpions, Carcharodons. Space Sharks and Minotaurs are pretty cool, so hopefully, them being updated might mean they will be getting a little support through Forgeworld going forward too.

With the units that did get updated, it suggests that they might get some extra support through FW, whether it’s Tau or Space Marines. The culling of extra units means the selection is more focused on FW and their goals of a lineup. Now there’s more room for models to help round it all out.

Pro: Digital Integration

As is common with the 9th edition books, we are getting Digital Integration with the 40k app included with this one. This is great because it takes down on the sheer weight of books you have to take, however, the app is still kinda rocky and could use some stability improvements before it’s widely accepted by customers.

40k app update

Con: Physically a Large Book

The book is 224 pages long, making it even longer than the Space Marine Codex which was 208 pages (side con- the price will also be quite different between the two if we had to guess). This is a little minor, but when you are lugging in all your supplies to play a game of 40k, that pile is starting to get heavier and heavier. You’re already looking at a couple of lbs for your pile of books and the edition just started! The pile will only grow from here. That is unless you use the app…

forge world 9th edition compendium

On the bright side, you’ll get a free workout courtesy of GW whenever it’s time to play a couple of games at your LGS.


Con: It’s Impossible to Meet Expectations

missing forge world unitsThis graphic was spotted on Twitter, and it hilarious.

First off, yes, a couple hundred models are no longer supported. But, what did we expect?

There isn’t really a realistic scenario where there is never a unit that stops being supported. Especially when our game is over 20 years old, with models at least that old still in circulation. Sure not every model is that old, but at the end of the day, things get cycled out. The time will come when your favorite model becomes an art piece instead of a game piece, at least as far as support is concerned.

But that doesn’t have to even be the end of it! There’s a whole world of possibilities with “counts as” models. Not to mention even bigger ways to use your favorite characters in your narrative campaigns like the newer Crusade mode and the like.

Con: Can’t Pick and Choose

imperial armor books

Similarly to the size of the book, one book means one purchase no exceptions.

If you only have one Forge World model, it doesn’t matter you have to pick up the whole book. If you only play Xenos, you’ll still have to get the giant book with all the Imperium and Chaos units included too. There are no cutting corners to save some cash if you want a physical copy at an event.

Are you happy with the updated compendium? Are you upset about a model no longer being supported, if so which one?

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