New Blight Shroud Terminators From Pop Goes The Monkey!

light Shroud Terminators featureThe new Blight Shroud Terminators from Pop Goes the Monkey are some amazing minis, are great alternatives for Death Guard!

Pop Goes the Monkey is always coming out with some of the coolest minis and bits on the market! They have also recently upgraded to Monkey Resin for their kits so you can get high-quality resin minis for less! Nothing wrong with saving some cash!

This time around they are adding some amazing Terminators that would be perfect for use as Death Guard. The minis look amazing and are full of great detail while staying affordable. Enough of this talking, let’s jump into the Termies!

Blight Shroud Terminators – 3 Pack: $44.99 (Monkey Resin)

Blight Shroud Terminators


Blight Shroud Terminators 2

The Blight Shroud Terminators are old and wear the Saturnus-Pattern Armor, but are now corrupted by the lord death and decay. They were designed and sculpted by the free-blade artist, KarnageKing. These are full models with separate arms.

Might as well go big and get all three! They look great and at this price are a really good deal. If you’ve been looking for some Death Guard alternatives, you have to check out their whole line, as these are just some of the great minis they have available. 

Individual Terminators: $24.99

Termintor bAh, the most dangerous Terminator known as Model: B! Why didn’t we start with A? Because we don’t want to, that’s why! Seriously though, this mini is great looking and plays off the old-school Terminator armor that really looks fun.

Termintor aJust another great-looking Terminator that has tons of flavor and life to it. We love the fact to they have already given these some battle damage, less modeling for you, and a better-looking mini!

Termintor cThis guy is just ready to smash someone with pestilence! You can grab any of these by themselves if you want just one or bolster your existing forces.

That does it for these great new termies! If you want some affordable bits or alternative minis, you have to check out Pop Goes the Monkey!

Grab Your Blight Shroud Terminators Here!