Adepticon Announces 2021 Cancellation

Adepticon FeatureAdepticon just announced that the 2021 event has been canceled, marking two years in a row without one of the biggest wargaming conventions in the world.

If you thought things were going to look up in 2021, this doesn’t bode well so far for organized play. Not that it’s the end of the world, but AdeptiCon has always been super fun. We can’t blame them at all though, under the circumstances, what other option did they have? Especially with it being in March, and the continued rise in cases, things don’t look like they’ll be open that early.

Things may be better by then, but with how everything is happening, they can’t make firm commitments. If they book the venue then can’t have the convention, it leaves them on the hook. Sad news but nothing too unexpected, let’s hope 2022 is the year of conventions!

More COVID Blues: AdeptiCon 2021 is Cancelled

Adepticon 2020If you want to see their full statement on the situation, you can find it here. For now, though, let’s hear a little from them about it:

We hope that everyone is well in these unprecedented and uncertain times. It has been a challenging year for all of us. It is with a heavy heart that we must announce officially what many of you have already come to realize, that it will be impossible to hold AdeptiCon in March of 2021. The continued ongoing effects of the pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the State of Illinois mean we are unable to effectively plan and organize the logistical efforts involved with running the convention. As you may be aware, by late November AdeptiCon has already typically opened hotel blocks and launched registration and staff and attendees alike have started making plans to see old friends and begin new hobby projects.

While this really sucks, it would be wrong of us to think they should just move forward with so much doubt. There’s not much to say other than it’s sad news. Hopefully, we’ll be able to at least get in some summer conventions this year! Before we go, let’s hear some final words from them on it.

Final Words on 2021 Convention

Adepticon 2020 MedalOnce again, we appreciate your understanding, patience, and the unprecedented loyalty of our attendees. If you had chosen, previously, to roll your registration forward, rest assured that it will move to 2022/2023 without any issues. This has been a challenging time for the nation and while AdeptiCon thanks everyone involved in making the convention the best event in the world, from attendees to volunteers to exhibitors, we would especially like to acknowledge those of you serving your communities in the medical and first-responder fields. Your tireless work allows us to see the light at the end of the tunnel and gives us confidence that not only will AdeptiCon be back, stronger than ever, but that our country will too. Thank you.

Were you really looking forward to Adepticon this year? Do you think any conventions will happen in 2021?

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