New Santa Knight Heads & Guns From Taro Modelmaker!

santa knight imperialShow your Holiday spirit with the new Santa Knight heads, or add on some more weaponry with the back-mounted Galting from Taro Modelmaker.

The hobby maniacs at Taro have some really amazing bits to upgrade all kinds of Knights. If you’ve been looking for a way to set apart any of your Knights apart, you have to check them out! This week they are focusing on the Questoris Knight and giving it a little bit of holiday love. Even though Christmas is over, this is still pretty amazing

Santa Head feature rOn top of that they just recently also released a carapace-mounted Gatling gun that just looks awesome.  These amazing bits cover the gamut to make your Questoris Knights just that much cooler. Let’s check them out.

Imperial Knight Replacement Skull Head – Santa Edition: £7.00

Santa HeadThis is just a really cool head that doesn’t cost much and would be super fun to magnetize so you can break it out every holiday season, or in the middle of summer. If you love what Taro Modelmaker is up to, check out what else they have going on!

Santa Head 3Run you peasant! When Santa Knight gets angry, well, you don’t ever want to go there.

Santa Head 2Imperial knight replacement Santa skull head was part of my own Santa Knight project which was seen online over the Christmas period. Originally intended as a short release for the Christmas period this was put on halt due to the ongoing pandemic. Instead, we have decided to make it available throughout the year.  

This kit comes with cable lengths, designed to allow complete customization for loose or looped cables. These can be formed by attaching one end and gently heating it with a hairdryer. 

Imperial Knight Canopy Mounted Gatling Cannon: £7.50

Gatling Cannon


Gatling Cannon 2You can never have enough firepower! Just attach this to the top of your mini and watch the bullets fly.

Canopy mounted Gatling is designed to mount to the canopy fixing point atop the imperial knight body. 

That does it for this one! Overall some really fun bits to make your Knights that much cooler.

Get Your Santa Knight Heads & Gatling Cannon Here!