Dominion Release & New Blood Bowl Pricing CONFIRMED!

dominion-new-releasesMore new Blood Bowl releases are here along with all the Dominion stuff is going to stores– check out the pricing for this week’s pre-orders.

Tons of new releases are here from Games Workshop including the new Ogre blood bowl releases, White Dwarf, and of course all the Dominion stuff. Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of this stuff!

Dominion Hitting Shelves & Blood Bowl Pricing CONFIRMED!

We talked a lot already about the allocations, but GW seems to have made more boxes than could sell, so if you still want Dominion, you have a chance. Just be sure to get yours before it’s too late.


BLood Bowl banner

Ogre Team Pitch $47 / Cards $27 / Dice $15

ogre team accessories


Ogre teams are going to be treated to a harsh and desolate double-sided Blood Bowl pitch and matching dugouts set next Saturday. One side represents a dry, cracked wasteland ravaged by desert winds, while the other side depicts the same grounds covered in icy snow from a sudden blizzard. The set also includes rules for playing a game amid these trying conditions.

The updated Ogre Team Card Pack, featuring 44 handy reference and Special Play cards for the lumbering brutes and their Gnoblar teammates, and Dice Set to channel Nuffle’s favour when you play are also available to pre-order next weekend.

While this may not be a full-out update, it is certainly better than nothing and will help give the feeling of a brand new team and environment!

forgworld banner

Maloghurst the Twisted, the Warmaster’s Equerry TBD

Maloghurst the Twisted, the Warmaster’s EquerryAfter recovering from a terrible injury, Maloghurst the Twisted was granted the honour of carrying the Warmaster’s personal icon into battle – the Eye of Horus. This astonishing resin miniature is a must-have addition to any Sons of Horus collection.

Some hobbyists actually thought this mini was in plastic when it was revealed, perhaps bringing in a new age of Horus Heresy Support! But alas, it is another resin mini, at least it is still a stunning one at that.

White Dwarf 465 $9

wd 465If you’ve been tempted to start a collection of White Dwarf’s very own Chapter of Space Marines, the Tome Keepers, make sure you don’t miss out – physical copies of the magazine come with a transfer sheet including enough decals for an entire Demi-Company.

While the Tome Keeper might be a great reason to grab White Dwarf, don’t forget about all the other goodies like Battle Reports and additional lore insights!

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AoS Dominion Box Set: $200

inside dominion

The first thing you’ll find after pulling off the lid are the models. Sooooo many models, and every single one is amazing. There are nine frames of plastic loaded with 21 Stormcast Eternals and 39 Kruleboyz – the cunning new breed of orruk plaguing the Mortal Realms

Not to mention an exclusive art Core Rulebook, an intro booklet with scenarios to help you start playing, 14 warscrolls cards for the included models, and an Allegiance card for each army.  That seems pretty neat that they can put rules for the Allegiances on cards now, which could make updating the Battletomes a lot easier!


New kruleboyz

Another huge change is board size! Just like with the 9th edition and Indomitus release, the Board size for AoS will shrink to match its 40k counterparts. That means you’ll be able to use Warcry mats to combine into a full-size AoS board, just like you can for Killteam and 40k.

new sigmar dominion stomcasts

This makes “kitchen table” games much easier and hopefully makes it easier on the newer players to pick up some games.

If you make your way through GW’s new queue system apparently designed to thwart scalpers, and pre-order the new box set from their site, you can get this new set of command tokens for FREE!

Coin Malleus Command Tokens

As an added bonus, if you pre-order your copy of Dominion from, then while stocks last you’ll receive an exclusive set of Coin Malleus Command Tokens in a hinged presentation box. You can use them as command point counters in your games, or you could feed a necklace through the hollow Ghal Maraz design to make a talisman, just like a warrior of a Dawnbringer Crusade.

But the Starter box isn’t the only pre-order coming to herald in Age of Sigmar 3.0! Let’s break down the rest of what we know is on the way!

AoS 3.0 Core Rule Book: $65

aos 3.0 core book

If you don’t like either of the launch factions, you’ll be able to order the full new core rule book on its own on June 19th!

AoS 3.0 Limited Edition Core Rule Book $65 (both Stormcast & KruleBoyz Versions)

aos 3.0 limited core bookOf course, you will also be able to lock in a limited edition version if you want to show off your hobby devotion.

AoS 3.0 Generals Handbook $40

Designed to work hand in hand with the new edition, this update brings together a host of changes and updates for your pitched battle games, including updated warscrolls for endless spells, new battleplans, and all the core rules of the game.

Path to Glory Diary $35

Path to Glory is getting a revamp in the new edition. It will be very similar to the 40k Crusade system, so if you’ve tried that before and liked it, you might like the new Path to Glory as well!

Realmscape Objective Set $50

This set of six scenery pieces represents the trappings of a Dawnbringer Crusade settlement. Mark objectives during your games or use them to add some Era of the Beast spice to your games.

These would also go perfectly with the starter box if you and your buddy want to try some objective-based games!

Realmscape: Ghurish Expanse $50

Just like the terrain, these are meant to go hand-in-hand with the starter box, making for a pretty good board experience without the hassle of making a full table.

In the past, these cardboard tile sets have retailed for $50, which may be a bit too presumptuous on GW’s part we think.

AoS Combat Gauge: $25.00

The Combat Gauge isn’t anything new, but it is getting a little update to launch with AoS 3.0. These are pretty nice for AoS since there aren’t as many long-range weapons or abilities.

Are you going to order the new AoS Dominion box now? Perhaps split one with a friend?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!  

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