Don’t miss out on the great new Laser-cut Plants from Gamers Grass that will really take your army to the next level- check it out!
When you look at a model from high above the battlefield, the bases are the first thing you notice! It only makes sense you would spend some time making them look pretty. If you are looking for something unique to round off your bases, then you need to take a look at these one-of-a-kind tufts from the hobby maniacs at Gamers Grass.
They are super easy to add onto your bases and will really give them that flair you’ve been looking for. Especially with the new technology and easy to make plants. You can get a ton of options and they look great and are just so easy to use. Check it out!
New Laser-Cut Plants From Gamers Grass!
They have a ton to pick from, so if you just want some more normal plants, or some crazy alien-styled plants, they have you covered! We’ll take a closer look at some of our favorites below, but there are so many options. Let’s hear what they have to say about them:
They are super easy to get out of the packaging and onto your models! Then, you can see just how cool they look!
Dumb Cane: € 5.95
GamersGrass dumb canes are short-stem plants with dense basal rosettes of beautifully ornamented large leaves. They can be used to add a layer of diverse tones and textures to your bases and dioramas.
This sheet contains 47 different color and sized dumb cane leaf groups for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
Alien Flytrap: €5.94
Alien flytraps (named after the earth Dionaea plants) are giant bright-blue-coloured glowing carnivorous plants, becoming reddish-brown and poisonous with maturation. They are great to give danger and beauty to your scenes.
This sheet contains 52 different color and sized alien flytrap leaves for your scale models, hobby figures and scenic dioramas.
That does it for this one, now go get some awesome basing accessories!