Ranking the AOS General’s Handbook 2022: Endless Spells

By Travis Perkins | July 21st, 2022 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, rules, Warhammer Rumors & News

Generals-handbook-2022Today we’ll be ranking the AoS General’s Handbook 2022 Season 1 Endless Spells from best to worst and how you can use them in your games!

The new AoS General’s Handbook recently dropped, and with the rules changes, they switched up the warscrolls of all the Endless Spells to make them more relevant in the new season.

Today we will rank those from best (1) to worst (17) and chat about those spells and how they might be useful to your gameplay.

General’s Handbook $50

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Aos points changes 5

Ranking the General’s Handbook 2022 Season 1 Endless Spells

Purple Sun (Predatory) 70 points: Casting Value of 8, Set up within 8” and moves 8. All units within 6” have -1 to save rolls, and all units within 3” after it has been moved, roll a dice, on a 1, 1 model from that unit is slain.

  • Trav’s Take: This spell is once again amazing being able to remove models from multiple units is a very scary thing for your opponent, but the -1 to save rolls is the best part of the spell. With a casting roll of 8, it is tough, but that also means it is a tough spell to dispel.

Chronomantic Cogs: 40 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 6”. Wizard within 6” can speed up time (re-roll charge rolls for all units wholly within 12”) or slow down time (re-roll all spells for wizards within 12” of this spell).

  • Trav’s Take: At 40 points this is a spell that is a steal in the right armies especially those that are magic-heavy. It’s no slouch either in the right spot near the front lines of alpha strike armies as well, being able to re-roll multiple charges for free is also a very good ability, especially at 40 points.

Geminids of UHL-GYSH (Predatory): 40 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 6” moves 8”. After this spell has moved, roll a dice for each unit that had any models it moved over and each unit within 1” of it at the end of a move. On a 2+, that unit suffers one mortal wound and cannot issue or receive command abilities until the start of the next combat phase.

  • Trav’s Take: This is another spell that can shut down armies by taking away their abilities to unleash hell and retreat. It can allow your heavy-hitting melee units to get stuck in without taking fire or missing a charge because your opponent repositioned themselves to make the charge further.

Umbral Spellportal: 70 Points: Casting Value of 5, must be set up wholly within 18” of the caster. Once per turn a Wizard within 1” can cast a spell (Not Endless Spells) through the portal and measure the distance from either end. Predatory endless spells that are within 6” instead of moving can be set up to the corresponding spell portal wholly within 6”.

  • Trav’s Take: This continues to be a fantastic spell to take for magic-focused armies that do most of their damage in the magic phase. Armies rely on the extended range to threaten their opponent from the start of the game with the magic to force them forward into range of your other units and/or tag those all-important backline support units.

malign sorcery

Lauchon the Soulseeker (Predatory): 30 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 6”, with a movement of 18”. Before this model moves, pick 1 Wizard wholly within 3”, remove that wizard from play and then move this model. Then put the wizard back in play wholly within 3” and more than 9” from enemy models. The wizard suffers 1 mortal wound and then can make a normal move in the movement phase.

  • Trav’s Take: I love this spell in the right hands, it seems innocent enough until you give a beat stick of a hero who you can slap the arcane tome on to make him a Wizard, and now you have a teleporting melee killer that can move 18” for free then move again and charge.

Quicksilver Swords (Predatory): 60 Points: Casting Value of 6, wholly within 6”, with a movement of 8″. At the end of its move pick 1 enemy unit, it passed across, and roll 12 dice. Every 5+ deals a mortal wound that cannot be negated.

  • Trav’s Take: This is kind of a situational spell in that it is most effective against opponents that can shrug mortal wounds. Against those units, this spell is great, though even against those without the ward save, it is still doing on average 4 mortal wounds, which are nothing to sneeze at.

Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws (Predatory): 60 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 8”, and has a movement of 3D6”. After the endless spell has moved, pick one enemy unit that it moved across or within 1” of it and roll a dice. On a 2+, take their movement value and subtract it from the Jaws movement roll and then take a number of mortal wounds equal to that value.

  • Trav’s Take: This spell could potentially be a game-winner against your opponent with some luck. High rolls on that movement could chew through those heavy armored high wound models your opponent uses for their anvil. On the flip side, if you roll low against a high-movement army your not going to be doing much of anything with it.

Soulscream Bridge: 80 Points: Casting Value of 6, must set up both pieces wholly within 24” of the caster. At the start of the movement phase, you can remove 1 friendly unit wholly within 6” of a bridge model and set it up again wholly within 6” of the other and more than 9” from enemy models. That unit cannot make a normal move or run in this phase.

  • Trav’s Take: A good teleport spell for those armies that lack movement to get your heavy hitters or shooters into a position to unload into your opponent. With the right archers, you could decimate enemies before they have a chance to hit you first.

Emerald Lifeswarm (Predatory): 60 Points: Casting value of 6, set up wholly within 6” of caster with a move of 8”. After the model has moved, pick 1 unit within 3”, and that unit can heal up to D3 wounds allocated to it. If no wounds are allocated to them, they can return D3 wounds worth of models to the unit.

  • Trav’s Take: Being able to heal and return models is always nice, but only affecting 1 unit for the cost of the spell is not as good as it was. In the right situation, though, it can be a game-winner if you bring back just enough to keep or claim those objectives.

General’s Handbook 2022 Season 1 Endless Spells The Bottom Half

malign sorcery


The Burning Head (Predatory): 20 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 8”, a move of 8”. After this endless spell has moved, if any units are within 3” of it, roll a dice for each. On a 2+, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. Then remove this spell from play.

  • Trav’s Take: I kind of like this spell as an exploding arcane bolt. It seems like it would be great for long-distance casting to throw this out instead of holding onto an arcane bolt. It’s not going to change the game greatly but hitting two or possibly three units with D3 mortals is always a nice opener.

Soulsnare Shackles: 50 Points: Casting Value of 7, set up wholly within 8” and wholly within 3” of each other. Units within 6” of this spell cannot run or attempt a charge; then, at the start of the movement phase, roll a dice for each unit within 6”. On a 6 they suffer D3 mortal wounds.

  • Trav’s Take: If this had a longer setup range, I would like this spell more, but unfortunately, with the entire spell being wholly within 8” of the caster and then within 3” of each other, it limits its usefulness. Though paired with Lauchon the Soulseeker, it could greatly reduce the mobility of an army and mess with your opponent’s plans.

Aethervoid Pendulum (Predatory): 40 Points: Casting value of 5, set up wholly within 8” movement of 8” but must be in a straight line. Roll a dice for any models it passed across or within 1” of it at the end of its move. On a 2+ they suffer D3 mortal wounds.

  • Trav’s Take: At D3 mortal wounds, I don’t see this spell being that useful, especially with its limited move in one direction.

Suffocating Gravetide (Predatory): 40 Points: Casting Value of 6, set up wholly within 8”, with a move of 8”. After this spell has moved, any units it went across roll a dice for each model in that unit; on a 6, that unit suffers a mortal wound.

  • Trav’s Take: With the low movement and base size, you’re probably only going to get one unit, though if you get two, that is awesome. Against those high model count units, this can dish out some serious damage, but with the current game format, 20 models are generally considered large, with very few 20+ units.

malign sorcery

Prismatic Palisade: 40 Points: Casting Value of 5, and set up wholly within 8” of the caster. All units within 6” of this spell cannot make shooting attacks, then at the start of each battleround add 3” to this range.

  • Trav’s Take: This spell is pretty nice in that it can shut down your opponent’s shooting attack (or unleash hell), but its short-range low casting value makes it easy to shut down and also will put the Wizard casting it in a bad situation.

Horrorghast (Predatory): 40 Points: Casting Value of 5, set up wholly within 12” with a move of 8”. Units within 12” of this endless spell cannot receive commands in the battleshock phase. Units that fail battleshock tests within 12” lose an additional D3 model.

  • Trav’s Take: So many units are high bravery, so unless you are playing against goblins or Skaven or a similar army this spell won’t affect your opponent too much. Too situational to be used consistently.

Shards of Valagharr: (Predatory): 50 Points: Casting Value of 5, set up wholly within 18” and within 12” of each other. When moving this spell, pick up one of the two models, remove it, and then set it up anywhere wholly within 12” of the other model. After this spell moved, draw a straight line between the closest two points of the models, any units that it passes across halve its movement, and that unit cannot fly or teleport.

  • Trav’s Take: Halving a unit movement and taking away teleport and fly can be huge, but the large bases give you one or at best two units that this might affect. It could be beneficial and very interesting to pair with Ravenak’s Gnashing Jaws, but too situational to be something I would consider in an army.

Malevolent Maelstrom (Predatory): 50 Points: Casting Value of 5, wholly within 8” of caster, with a move of 8”. After the spell is summoned, place a D6 next to it starting with 1, then each time a unit within 12” of it casts a spell without it being unbound or when a model is slain, increase the dice by 1 to a max of 6. At the end of the combat phase roll a dice and add the value on a 10+ all units within 12” suffer D3 mortal wounds, and then remove the endless spell.

  • Trav’s Take: A lot must happen near this thing to give it a chance to deal D3 mortal wounds, making it a no go for me. Take the burning head or one of the other damaging endless spells instead.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Malign Sorcery

Age of Sigmar: Malign Sorcery $75

Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Gold Goblin Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop

There you have it, my list of the General’s Handbook 2022 Season 1 Endless Spells. The Purple Sun, to me, is almost an instant include for any army with a magic presence along with the cogs as both can turn the tide of things quickly.

All the endless spells are fun, though, and bring a fun mechanic to the game, so I would try out any that you think would work with your army list.

More AoS How-To For Beginners & Veteran Players!

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About the Author: Travis Perkins

An avid homebrewer and Detroit sports fan (yes even the Lions). I am new to the world of wargamming and very much enjoying the journey. If you have any suggestions or comments feel free to comment on the article or email me at perki116@msu.edu