40k Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Review: Contents and Value Revealed

leagues of votann army box value breakdown pricingHere’s the Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Army Box Set contents list, release date, rules, value, and pricing in our updated savings breakdown!

We’ve seen a few of these Army Box sets now for Warhammer 40k. They generally follow the trend of giving you early access to the codex a month or so in advance, which gives the box some intrinsic value.

Just like the previous Black Templars and Beast Snagga army box sets, the Leagues of Votann army box retailed for $200.

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set, Contents List, Release Date, Pricing & Value

Leagues of Votann preview 3The initial Kin wave brings in some heavy hitters, including Ûthar the Destined, who can also be built as a Kâhl, a powerful Einhyr Champion, three speedy Hernkyn Pioneers, and a solid force of 20 Hearthkyn Warriors, perfect for splitting into two squads of 10 for a Patrol Detachment.

The release date of the Leagues of Votann Army Box Set was September 24th, 2022.

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set List Price: $200 CAD$250 £130 €160 

Quick Order Links: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming| Element Games (UK) | Noble Knight GameseBay| or | Games Workshop’s Store. This site contains affiliate links, and Spikey Bits earns from qualifying purchases.

leagues of votann army set

  • Base Size: Varies
  • Height: Varies
  • Alignment: Xenos
  • Faction: Leagues of Votann
  • Role: Troops, Fast Attack, HQ
  • Material: Plastic
  • Number of Minis: 25
  • Release Year: 2022

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Combat Patrol Pricing By Country

Country Price
United States $200
Canada CAD$250
United Kingdom £130 
Europe €160

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Contents & Description

Leagues of Votann wal horThis box set also offers the first chance to grab the (9th Edition) 104-page Codex: Leagues of Votann, featuring an exclusive cover, along with 50 datacards and two transfer sheets decked out with the symbols of the major Leagues. While everything in the set will be sold separately later, that exclusive codex cover is a limited-time treasure.

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Contents List

Here is a list of what comes in the new Warhammer 40k Leagues of Votann Army Box Set.

  • 20x Hearthkyn Warriors
  • 3x Hernkyn Pioneers
  • 1x Uthar the Destined/Kâhl
  • 1x Einhyr Champion
  • 2x Leagues of Votann Transfer Sheet (contains 226 transfers)
Games Workshop - Warhammer 40,000 - Combat Patrol: Blood Angels
  • Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Combat Patrol: Blood Angels
  • Plastik minyatürler - Montaj ve boyama gereklidir - Renkler ve aletler teslimat kapsamına dahil değildir, Combat Patrol - Blood Angels, Games Workshop - Warhammer 40.000 - Combat Patrol: Blood Angels
  • Miniaturen aus Kunststoff – Montage und Bemalen erforderlich – Farben und Werkzeuge sind nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten, 99120101333
  • Noir
  • GAW41-25-99-12-01-01-333

Last update on 2025-03-01 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

Hearthkyn Warriors

Hearthkyn Warriors

Clad in heavy armor and armed to the teeth, the Hearthkyn Warriors are the tough-as-nails backbone of most Oathbands. With their Theyns leading the charge, these resilient fighters unleash relentless firepower, brush off enemy attacks like it’s nothing, and then charge in to crush their faltering foes once and for all.

Hernkyn Pioneers

Hernkyn Pioneers

Hernkyn Pioneers zip across alien landscapes on their magna-coil bikes, scouting enemy positions with style. These fast and tough warriors pack serious firepower, often catching the enemy off guard with surprise attacks.

They also relay crucial intel on enemy movements back to their Oathband’s Kâhl, keeping their team ahead of the game.

Uthar the Destined/Kâhl

Ûthar the Destined

Leagues of Votann Oathbands are typically led by a Kâhl, a champion whose sharp strategy, unyielding resolve, and combat prowess inspire their warriors.

Armed with top-notch gear and powerful weapons, from strong defensive fields to exotic teleportation tech, these seasoned leaders charge into battle, taking down the toughest enemies from the front lines.

Einhyr Champion

Einhyr Champion Leagues of votann army box contents

Veteran leaders of the Hearthguard, Einhyr Champions don modified exo-armour equipped with mass drivers, turning them into battlefield wrecking balls. Armed with brutal close-combat weapons and hefty RAM shields, these walking tanks become living battering rams, charging with enough force to tear through even the toughest fortress gates like they’re made of paper.

How Many Points is the Leagues of Votann Army Box Set?

So, you’re wondering how many points the Leagues of Votann Army Box Set racks up, eh? Well, in Warhammer 40k 10th edition, this box hits with about 420 points. But, as you know, the tides of the Grimdark universe are ever-shifting, and with the latest points updates, that number could quickly fluctuate.

One minute, you’re ready to mine the galaxy, and the next, you’re recalculating your list because the points gods have decided to have some fun.

Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Review

Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol 2 Leagues of votann army box contents

So, you’re eyeing that army box, huh? Good choice! These boxes are basically the VIP pass to starting a killer Warhammer 40k army. You get a solid mix of units – from the tough-as-nails troops to those snazzy specialist units.

It’s like assembling an all-star team right out of the gate, plus you can even play this box as is in smaller games of Warhammer 40k, aptly called “Combat Patrol.”

Models Unit Name Value
20 Hearthkyn Warriors  $120 ($60 for 10)
3 Hernkyn Pioneers $60
1 Uthar the Destined/Kâhl $42
1 Einhyr Champion $42
1 Codex, Data Cards, & Accessories Added Value, as they are all for 9th Edition
Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol
  Total MSRP:  $264
  Savings Versus Box Price: $64

Warhammer 40k Comparisons

Check out how the army box stacks up against other bundle box releases, including some of the other army boxes from 2024.

Box Set Name Price Qty of Minis Value
Deathwing Assault $220 22 $124
Leagues of Votann $200 25 $64
New Adepta Sororitas Combat Patrol $168 26 $59
Dread Talons Battleforce $230 35 $140
Stompa Boyz Battleforce $210 23 $166

Is the Leagues of Votann Army Box Set Worth It?

Leagues of Votann lore Leagues of votann army box contentsIf you want to play the faction, it will save you some cash, and you’ll get some of the minis for basically free (a box of the Warriors), a decent starting force, and the codex before other people, making it a decent pickup. However, if you don’t want a lot of Warriors, then it’s probably a pass, as they make up most of the value. 

It doesn’t have the highest value we’ve ever seen, but with four usable units, this is a great starting set for most players.

What to Buy Next?

They really only have a few units right now, so you can pretty much pick up anything and build a decent list. However, we would recommend getting a Land Fortress (a giant tank to blow stuff up), some Sagitaurs for speeding around the board, and, lastly, plenty of Hearthguard to smash through any opposition.

The nice thing about such a small selection of units is that pretty much anything you get with some tanks will be a decent force.

There is also something to be said about just buying the minis you think are cool and building an army around them! Don’t forget to grab the new rules for this faction and brush up on how to play them. We’ve got you covered in this article!

While it may not have the highest value, The Leagues of Votann Combat Patrol still offers a great way for new players to start building their armies and explore the faction.

Click Here For All The 40k Combat Patrol Pricing & Values

What do you think of the new Leagues of Votann Army Box Set, pricing, value, rules, contents list, and release date?