Hobbyists Frustrated With GW Being Sold Out of Everything 

sold-out-games-workshop-warhammer-products-out-of-stockHobbyists tire from constant out-of-stock issues on key Warhammer products from Games Workshop right when they are most needed!

GW really hypes up new releases, but then the problem is, if you don’t get it right away, you miss out for months and months. We’re going to take a look at a bunch of different game systems, but the same thing happens across all of them, the most wanted products sell out, and then somehow sit for months on the out-of-stock list.

Hobbyists Tire of Constant Out-of-Stocks On Key Warhammer Products

Case in point, Horus Heresy. We covered this already, on how (at least here in the states) it’s nearly impossible to get core products to build your army.  Stores we polled report that it has affected the growth of the new edition of the game as well.

Furthermore, GW corporate stores dont even carry Horus Heresy branded miniature kits. It’s almost like they knew they could no produce enough for demand, or that there would be no demand in their own stores.

Either way, it’s a problem for many here in the states.

Horus Heresy Dying

While the transfer sheets aren’t too worrying, simple things like Drop Pods and Rhinos have been out of stock from the beginning, and the Forge World alternatives for key units are just too expensive to make them viable.

Horus Heresy Dying 2

Plus, a lot of the stuff that provides actual value, such as the extra Contemptor arms (so you don’t have to buy a whole new kit), is also out of stock.  While it was nice for a little while that GW went the other way and actually provided some extra value for the kits, they haven’t been in stock since the launch.

That really makes it hard on folks trying to collect and battle their legions of Space Marines.

Horus Heresy Dying 4

Other key units like the Kratos tank and Deimos Rhino have also been out of stock since release. So, while that new tank kit alone built a ton of hype, you just can’t get it unless you go secondary market or print out a counterfeit model.

While Games Workshop has tried to crack down on 3D printing, it’s still very viable for HH kits, and at this point, you almost have no choice since some of the stuff hasn’t been restocked for a long time.

Horus Heresy Dying 5Also, many of the bundle deals with value have also been out of stock for a long time as well.

Horus Heresy Dying 3

More simple and core units that have been out of stock for months are just slowing down any hype the game had for new players. Really, it’s disappointing to see something hyped as much as Games Workshop did with Horus Heresy and then just not have over half the range available for the majority of three months later (as of this writing).

However, it’s not just Horus Heresy by a long shot.  Ever notice that when a new Warhammer 40k codex drops, seemingly every viable unit for the faction gets snapped up?

Hobbyists mad about out of stockEven the Chaos Daemons codex is out of stock now! Then, when you get into the units, you can basically score nothing that has optimized rules in the book.

Hobbyists mad about out of stockAgain, almost every unit…

Hobbyists mad about out of stockYou can see the list just keeps going.

hobbyists out of stockBasically, every game and every faction (if it’s at all newer) has key units already out of stock, which is just so frustrating to see!

It’s just like, Games Workshop get your production guys talking to the sales/forecasting guys, PLEASE!

Have you had an issue with Games Workshop being sold out or just temporarily out of stock on key Warhammer units? 

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