Fjord Serpents: Vikings at War Kickstarter Coming Soon!

Fjord SerpentsIf you want to play out some awesome naval battles, the Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War Kickstarter might be perfect!

This game is designed for 10mm, and while the project hasn’t launched quite yet, it’s already looking awesome. Plus, you can sign up for notifications right now!

The whole point of the game is to host naval battles from medium to very large!  If you love Vikings, this is just a really cool project. Obviously, with it being 10mm, you will get a ton of files and models.

Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War Kickstarter Coming Soon!

Fjord Serpents 2Since this is their project, we’ll let them tell you more about it:

Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War is designed on a 10mm miniature wargaming scale. Like most games at this scale, it has been tweaked to make the game work optimally during gameplay. 

    • One example is that weapons and proportions can sometimes be chunkier than they normally would be on miniatures (to avoid breakages and to assist printing).  
    • Another example is that ship hull proportions can be slightly changed to accommodate the crew elements that are to exist within them.  

Our focus is to host Viking naval battles from medium to large in nature. Crew stands represent that many fighting men on a 1-for-1 basis. Leidang crew stands have 8 figures, Elite crew stands have 6 figures, and unique leaders and heroes have 1.

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One of the most impressive features of Fjord Serpents – Vikings at War is how the longships and crew seamlessly interact on the battlefield. They create a visually exciting and immersive gaming experience. 

Longship masts can be changed during play to show movement type, the crew can be moved around to directly interact with both friendly and enemy ships during play, and all can be customized visually to your standards. 


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Thankfully for the game, we have beautifully preserved Viking ships to base our models on, and detailed descriptions of warriors and their role in society and upon Viking raids.

For the sake of entertainment, we have grouped the more unique crew models (Berserkers and Ulfednar) into their own units. Historical sources would point to them being used this way, but there is always debate as to their exact roles.  We have done our best to reflect their historical counterparts through their unique skills in-game. 

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Crew stands have also been grouped into weapon types, to allow for a more tactical function within the game. Historically they may have been more combined, but we are representing the percentage of crew armed in this way on board a ship. 

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We have also taken some liberty with putting all Bondsmen / Karls / Freemen into the category of Leidang. This is a term that may have been used later in the Viking age, but it represents those freemen who would provide crew and a vessel to their Jarl / King in times of war and raid. We feel this term more accurately describes the role these levy troops play in the game. 

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