The new Traitor Guard and Cultists leaders alternatives from Pop Goes the Monkey will make your force stand out on the tabletop!
Pop Goes the Monkey is always coming out with some of the coolest minis and bits on the market! This release is more on the leaders, but if you want the troopers, you can grab those here.
This time around, they are adding some amazing minis that would be perfect for use as chaos/renegade stand-ins or even something for a rogue world, but when you see the minis, you’ll know what they would be perfect stand-ins for! The minis look fantastic and are full of incredible detail.
Enough of this talking; let’s jump into the new minis!
The Ottomari Cohort Arcana commune with the dark gods and, though their gifts, spread the word of chaos. The warp-fueled sigils carried by this Fiendish Herald fills the hearts of their enemies with dread and whispers promises of bliss to their allies.
Our customer found this can be a great alternative for a Mindwitch in their Dark Commune, Unsactioned psyker, or even a Magic user in your D&D adventure. This kit includes 1 full model without a base.
Sculpted by our Sanctioned Artist: KarnageKing.
Fine Detail Plastic is an acrylic material capable of extremely high detail and is a popular choice for hobbyists creating scale models, miniature sets, and other decorative products. Although the surface can be uneven in color due to the nature of the printing process, after some light rinsing it take primer and paints up extremely well. Due to the nature of the material thin and small parts can break due to its brittleness, so handle with care. Use super glue to adhere these parts to your models.
You always need someone to protect your cult leaders, and these are the perfect minis to do it!