New Bretonnian & Tomb Kings Weapons For Warhammer Old World

Warhammer-Old-World-bretonnia-tomb-kingsWe already knew the Tomb Kings and Bretonnians would be Warhammer Old World, but it’s nice to see what the weapons will look like! 

There have been multiple announcements across the course of a year for Old World, but GW has never said the actual release date but… they did say that 2023 is the 40th anniversary of Warhammer. 

That would seem like a good time to release the game that started it all, for us… so maybe we don’t have that long to wait after all… This time, we get to see some of what the weapons will actually look like for a couple of the factions! 

GW Reveals Bretonnian & Tomb Kings Weapons For Warhammer Old World

If you want to see how they revealed the return of the Tomb Kings, you can check that out here. For now, though, let’s check out the new info from Warhammer Community

Tomb Kings Weapons

Fresh from the forges of fair Bretonnia come new helmets, weapons and shields. Bretonnian knights commonly adorn their helmets with creatures that appear on their family heraldry, or those they believe they share a personality trait with. A knight famed for being stubborn in the face of adversity might sport a horned bull, while a noble renowned for their love of hunting may embellish their helm with a pair of antlers. These large helmets feature just a small selection of the fantastical birds and beasts you’ll see when the Bretonnian army marches to war.

It is a little suspicious pretty much everything we’ve seen has been for Bretonnians and Tomb Kings recently, which makes us think they are the most likely for a starter box perhaps…

Tomb Kings Weapons 2

The fleur-de-lys is a common symbol, and features prominently upon the metallic trim of these shields. There is also plenty of room on the shield face to display the heraldry of whichever high-ranking noble your knights have pledged to.

While the sword and lance are the preferred arms of the nobility, some knights – especially those from Brionne – prefer the head-hewing potential of a battleaxe. For the more traditionally-minded knight, however, there is a swathe of sword options, each with classic Bretonnian iconography on the crossguard or pommel.

It’s always nice to have more options, and they mention these will be plastic kits, so hopefully, each has plenty of spare bits!


Tomb Kings Weapons 3

Tomb Kings and Liche Priests have always carried weapons and artefacts of exquisite quality and artifice. First up is an ornate spear with wings projecting out from the shaft – a feature designed to prevent an impaled victim from sliding too far down the blade! Above the spear is a spiked flail decorated with the symbol of a scarab towards the bottom of the handle – a common icon in Khemri and in Numas (known as The Scarab City),  in particular.

The weapons definitely have that classic feel but look well-updated! It’s also good to see some of the bigger bladed weapons, as they are easy to just scale up for some of the bigger monsters.

There have been multiple announcements across the course of a year, so let’s recap everything we know about The Old World!

warhammer the old worldIn case you missed the past Warhammer Old World announcements, we’ve included them here:

All the Latest on Warhammer Old World!

Are you excited about the Old World returning to the line? Will you be playing the Tomb Kings or Bretonnians?

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