The Apex Legends Board Game Kickstarter is Smashing Goals!

Apex Legends Board GameIf you want to bring the video game to life, the new Apex Legends Board Game Kickstarter is the way to do it- check it out!

Obviously, this video game is wildly successful, and now it looks like the board game will be as well! They have already (at the time of writing this) raised over $500,000, so that’s more than double the initial goal, which means we get all kinds of stretch goals!

Right now, there are only about 5 days left to support, which really isn’t much time, so if you want the game, don’t sit around and wait, or you’ll end up missing out on a great deal! Let’s take a closer look.

The Apex Legends Board Game Kickstarter is Smashing Goals!

Apex Legends Board Game 2Here’s what they have to say about the game:

Apex Legends™: The Board Game brings the hit hero-shooter to the tabletop, from the wide variety of guns and characters to the high-octane firefights, and intense standoffs that precede either a heroic victory or crushing defeat. All of this has been translated to the tabletop, with dice rolls and cards being the keys to becoming a Legend.

Apex Legends Board Game 3With the project being so successful, they have recently done a bunch of updates to the campaign as well:

  • An exclusive collaboration with Displate bringing a one-of-a-kind piece to the Kickstarter showing off three of the game’s iconic Legends in a stunning, original work by Tomasz “Morano” Jędruszek. 
  • Three brand new pledge levels, each of which has been retooled for 6-player action and includes additional Legend miniatures, with Lifeline and Pathfinder joining the fray. 
  • The Legendary Storage Box: a place to neatly bundle up all your carefully painted miniatures, boards, and rule books in a sleek black design. Whilst available through the pledge manager, it is also being added to the All-in pledge tier FOR FREE!


  • A brand new pledge tier: the Legendary Bundle. The most dedicated supporters can sign up for this tier and receive six of the Solo All-in bundles plus a myriad of exclusive content
  • New Kickstarter stretch goals, including a brand new Legend looking to stick the landing with her very own diorama once the campaign reaches 1 million Euros. 

Pledge Levels

Apex Legends Board Game 5


Apex Legends Board Game 6They have tons of ways to support, and with the three newly added tiers, you can basically customize and get the exact set of minis you want!

Stretch Goals

Apex Legends Board Game 4They have also added on a ton of new stretch goals now that they have hit so many!

Click Here to Support the Apex Legends Board Game Kickstarter!