Here are GW’s Best and Worst Warhammer 40k armies that are either placing at the latest big 10th Edition tournaments or down in the dumps…
Thanks to Mr. Taste at Blood of Kittens, here’s a look at the latest placings and meta from the larger 10th Edition 40k tournaments last weekend!
GW’s Best & Worst Warhammer 40k Armies: September 22nd
The September 40k balance data slate is now being used in all tournaments! Meaning this week was the first weekend of all tournaments running the new balance changes.
But how about the larger meta picture overall? Well, Eldar certainly has more competition at tournaments running the balance changes now, which makes us hopeful that the competitive scene will continue to get better!
Warhammer 40k Meta Overview from September 17th 2023: also has us covered on the overall Warhammer 40k faction win rates and meta, compiling the data up to September 17th, 2023 for just Balance Dataslate play.
Comparing the newly updated rankings to the previous ones below they have already been some massive changes. But just another reminder, Eldar is still high, probably due to people getting settled in a post-NERF world.
However, it’s fantastic to see not only different factions at the top but also a way healthier format, with a vast majority of factions falling into the ideal 45%- 55% win rate zone!
Warhammer 40k Meta Overview from September 10th 2023:
How to Read This Warhammer 40k Meta Overview Chart:
The Warhammer 40k Meta Overview Chart is color-coded for the most part. Grey is the sweet spot; ideally, every faction would be light grey or between a 45% and 55% win rate.
Blue is overpowered, and in contrast, Oranges are underpowered. Essentially, the darker shades are too far gone and need changes or shifts in the Meta. That’s not to say every darker blue and orange faction needs balance changes, but it DOES mean something needs to be done.
Game balance and meta are super complex, with each faction (and general’s ability) being its own cogs in the bigger picture.
Simply put, the most played faction in any competitive game should never be the most winning faction. As the popularity of a faction goes up, the skill, specified knowledge, and experience of the average player in that faction go down (new players moving to it).
With that in mind, you can check out six of the top army lists from events over the weekend below.
- A Deathwatch Triumph: Top 40k Army Lists at Throne of Skulls
- Dark Eldar Raid The Ratcon 2023: Best 40k Army Lists
Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists
What do you think about GW’s best and worst 10th Edition Warhammer 40k army lists dominating the meta now?
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